Chapter 6 Reconciliation

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Midoriya awoke to his alarm like he normally would, groggily.

He yawned, reaching to turn off his alarm. Moving his now awake arm caused Midoriya to jerk. He stared at his soldering arm in confusion before realization hit him.

Oh God. This was new.

Midoriya stretched his arm remembering the overuse of his quirk the other day. Three percent. Three percent over and he could barely move his arm the next day.

Midoriya instantly regretted his past decision to not get his arm healed. It had truly not felt that bad then. Now however...

Midoriya turned off his alarm with his good arm and got out of bed, now fully awake.

As he got dressed for his morning jog, Midoriya thought about how insanely powerful One For All was.

Logically he of course figured out how his version of One For All worked. He could output incredible force from anywhere on his body. When he did output that force the same force had to go back into his body by Newton's Third Law. It was about as simple as it could get.

Midoriya nodded as he started his walk to the Commons Room.

He was now able to recognize his limits and output that force at a small level all around his body as support so every punch's reverse force would be distributed instead of all collapsing in one of his arms.

Midoriya began walking down the main stairs to the Lounge.

But that was the key, wasn't it? Recognizing his limits meant that he would control himself to sustain those limits. Just three percent over shocked his arm and fractured someone's jaw.

Midoriya rubbed his sore arm and sighed.

That was just eight percent of his power. What would happen when Midoriya achieved one hundred percent? Would he be able to level buildings with no drawbacks? Could he even use it without killing someone?

Midoriya sat down on one of the many couches around the Lounge. Waiting for Iida, he continued looking at the ground.

According to All Might Midoriya's power at one hundred percent would well outdo what his was in his prime. But in All Might's prime he could level an entire district if he wanted to.

Midoriya shivered. Could he control all of that power? Midoriya leaned his head back and sighed hard, his brain overloaded with thoughts.

A voice suddenly cut his thoughts short. "Midoriya-san!" Iida said in a whisper voice that Midoriya instantly noted didn't make his voice any quieter. "Good morning".

"Good morning Iida-san!" Midoriya replied in the same whisper. "Are you ready?".

Iida smiled as he flashed his water bottle he was storing in his pocket. "Of course! I am glad you remembered your agreement to me joining you." He said, beginning to walk towards the front door.

Midoriya got up and quickly walked to the door with Iida. "Ah, don't worry about it". Midoriya whispered, stepping outside into the cool and crisp morning air.

As they started jogging. Midoriya asked Iida about his brother's developments much to Iida's happiness. They continued talking on and off about topics until they arrived back at the dorms.

Uraraka slowly roused to her persistent alarm. She had been trying to escape waking for the past twenty minutes, hitting the snooze button several times.

Finally giving in and sitting up, Uraraka thought back on the night prior. 

She had woken up at midnight, confused as to why she was in Recovery Girls Office before realization hit her hard. As she reconciled with what happened in her sparring match she had looked around to see that no one else was there.

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