Chapter 7 Getting Advice

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Midoriya stood outside Bakugo's door. Unsure and hesitant.

Hours earlier Midoriya had almost kissed Ochako Uraraka. That... Was still processing.

They had managed to awkwardly laugh off the intimate moment that had been seen by practically the entirety of their class that morning but the stares and questions were persistent throughout the school day despite their shabby cover up. Somehow.

And now. Midoriya had no clue where to go next. He was still questioning whether or not Uraraka even meant to get that close to him or not. If she was just that close because of the heat of the moment.

No. He had decided to not let his overthinking nature ruin this for him right after that near kiss. He knew this kind of thought process would kill all confidence he had eventually.

Midoriya sighed. Now he needed advice. He only knew one person well enough to trust with this. Unfortunately it was the person who had halted his first kiss. Bakugo Katsuki.

Midoriya cringed at the thought that he was doing this. Couldn't he go with anyone else? Anyone?

He didn't exactly have a dad to go to about girl problems. His mom wasn't a guy so he didn't think her advice would do him much good.

Kaminari? No, he would end up telling someone before Midoriya could move. Also his advice would probably get Midoriya killed.

Kirishima? Nope he was out with Iida doing who knows what. That takes Iida out too.

Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows. Who else?

Mineta was out of the question for obvious reasons. He was nice but in no way good with women. No offence towards the grape headed man himself.

He didn't know Ojiro well enough to talk to him about things like this and Todoroki was out training.

Midoriya perked up. What about the girls?

He fell again. Gossip. No way.

Midoriya sighed again. This really was the only way he was going to get any advice.

Midoriya looked hard into Bakugo's name plate. "Maybe I should just figure this out on my ow-".

"Oi Deku! What the hell are you doing mumbling outside my damn door!" Bakugo yelled, walking up towards Midoriya.

Midoriya yelped before doing a few double takes. "Yo-you're not in you-your room Kacchan?".

Bakugo raised an eyebrow and pushed past Midoriya. "Of course not, what does it look like? Dumbass.". He put his key in his door handle.

"Kacchan wait!" Midoriya spat out, causing Bakugo to look over his shoulder with anger building.

"What." Bakugo said with his normal anger.

When Midoriya didn't respond he spoke again. "You have five seconds."

Midoriya froze. This was a terrible idea.


Should he even get advice at all?


He didn't know. All of this was new to him.


Midoriya's mind froze as hesitancy filled him

"Two". Bakugo's hand clenched and his eyes narrowed. "On-"

Midoriya spoke up. "Uraraka-san!. It's... Its Uraraka-san. I n-need help."

Bakugo snarled and unclenched his hand. He then grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Deku. I don't give a shit about your stupid ass love problems".

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