Chapter 5 Suggestive Arrangement

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When Uraraka said she would have been fine fighting anyone she was lying. Big time.

She realized that as she stood before Midoriya on one of the many fighting platforms in the training facility.

Crushes aside, Midoriya was a beast, she knew for a fact that he was faster and stronger than her. Not to mention his analytical skills and reaction time were incredible. What did she have against that?

Uraraka took a stance as All Might counted down over a loudspeaker and shook her head. She had to stop thinking negatively.

She had technique and some knowledge on basic takedowns and grabs that Midoriya didn't have. She had noticed he mainly used punches and throws to take his opponents out, she could use that.

She decided to go with her normal strategy, grabbing her opponent and throwing them in the air rendering them useless. For that however, she was going to need to get all five fingers of one of her hands on him for about a second.

Time slowed as she zeroed in on the task before her. Midoriya was going to expect that approach. Her quirk didn't have much versatility when it came to combat unlike Midoriya's.

Screw all that. She couldn't overthink this. She needed to beat Midoriya, no feelings attached. He was an enemy right now.

Uraraka felt herself entering what her friends had dubbed as her Battle-raka zone right as All Might announced to start.

Midoriya was terrified. He looked at Uraraka before him uncertainty. He always had trouble fighting girls. It was how he was raised and he was only slowly but surely getting out of that mindset.

He was absolutely sure that if Stain was a woman, hesitation would have definitely gotten him killed.

Even so he wished he was fighting anyone else right now. He could handle Bakugo. He could handle Todoroki or Iida. He couldn't handle Uraraka.

Not in the sense he couldn't attack her but that he knew he was going to have a hard time doing it. Especially now that he wanted to apologize for what happened earlier.

Midoriya readied himself as All Might started counting down. He needed to use this time to strategize not to whine about fighting a girl. He cursed himself.

Midoriya had long abandoned breaking his body to win a fight. It was a waste of a limb and usually the attack could be blocked. Also knocking your opponent away wasn't a solution here like the sports festival.

Midoriya was knocked out of his thoughts by All Might starting the fights. Midoriya looked around. Yelling and various other noises erupted from across the facility instantly.

He looked back forward to find Uraraka less than five feet from him and closing fast. Instinct saved him as One For All coursed through his entire body and he committed to a five percent jump over Uraraka. He hit the ground rolling and erupted into a fighting stance.

As Uraraka turned around and sprinted towards him with what he could only describe as a terrifying expression on her face, Midoriya switched to the offensive, running right at her.

He had to hit five percent punches in critical areas to tire her before doing a take down while avoiding her hands. This would be difficult.

They met as Uraraka threw a left hook. Midoriya parried to his left side, sending a right punch right into her stomach.

Right before his fist connected Midoriya felt a wave of hesitation and One For All powered down from his fist. Midoriya immediately noticed that Uraraka had hardened her stomach and barely moved from his objectively weak punch.

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