Chapter 9 The Cold Hard Truth

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Midoriya could not believe what was happening. He was going to go on a date with Uraraka!

Midoriya walked out of Heights Alliance with a beaming smile on his face, determined and happy.

Midoriya looked around him to see 1A in all their glory walking to school. Kaminari and Jiro were messing around. Ojiro and Sato were talking. Everyone seemed to be talking to at least one person and goofing off.

All except one. Bakugo Katsuki.

Midoriya's smile fell. Midoriya really owed him for the date. Plus he needed to thank him for all his help.

Midoriya quickly made his way over to Bakugo and started walking next to him.

"Hey K-Kacchan." Midoriya said with a smile.

Bakugo glanced over at him. "What do you want, Nerd."

Midoriya responded. "I j-just wanted to thank you for all your help. W-without you I don't think this c-could have happened."

Bakugo sighed. "Forget about it."

Midoriya looked forward. Happy with the progress he was making with Bakugo.

Bakugo spoke up. "Oh yeah." Midoriya looked back at him quizzically. "Dumb Face overheard what I said earlier so I choked him until he agreed not to say anything. So you're welcome for that."

Midoriya sucked air through his teeth. "I-I'm not sure you had to g-go that far... But regardless, thank you. I would rather this stay quiet for now."

Bakugo glared at Midoriya. There was silence between them for a while

Bakugo finally spoke. "Hey Dumbass. While you're in my grasp. I want to know something." He said holding his glare.

Midoriya tensed. "I-uh sure Kacchan what's going on."

Bakugo looked up to the sky. "Right now you're a stammering, stumbling dumbass. But when you fight... Well shit. You become a totally different person. Like you can just throw all that shit away and be a badass fighter." Bakugo spat out with a scowl on his face like he was making an active mistake.

Midoriya didn't understand. He sat wide eyed and bewildered looking at the man who had berated him... Now complimenting him? "K-Kacchan I don't-"

Bakugo cut Midoriya off. Turning to face him. "How. How can I do that?"

Midoriya stayed frozen. Bakugo continued. "I. Fuck... How can I throw away who I am to be a good fighter? To be number one. To... Have people like me..."

Bakugo fell silent. His head dropped. The scowl still evident on his face.

Midoriya sat there dumbfounded. He slowly looked around to find his classmates had long left into the building. They were alone. "Kacchan it doesn't... It doesn't just disappear." Midoriya said. His face sullen.

Bakugo looked up at Midoriya. Light tears in his eyes. This definitely was a mistake. But yet he felt compelled to hear Midoriya out. This had been killing him for the entire year.

"Then. Then what the fuck happens!" Bakugo yelled, standing up straight.

Midoriya glared back at him. "I just force myself to put it aside. If I let myself get caught up in my own feelings someone could die." Midoriya spat out. A frown ever present on his normally smiling face.

Midoriya continued. "So I have to force myself to be more like you to save lives. Striving to be the best. Being cold blooded and calculating."

Bakugo growled. "That's not what I..." Bakugo turned his head to the ground. "What am I supposed to do then? Keep being a dick and let everybody hate me!"

Midoriya's eyebrows furrowed. "If you want people to like you Kacchan you have to change. Try being nice and at least work with our classmates. They want to be your friend Kacchan but if you don't change then nothing will." Midoriya exploded.

"HEY I-'' Bakugo started before looking up at Midoriya and seeing the look on his face.

Bakugo fell silent, deep in thought.

Midoriya turned and sighed. "We need to get to class Kacchan. I-. No, I don't understand how you feel. But I want to help. Let me know if I can ok?" He finished with a slight smile.

Bakugo thought for a moment before looking at Midoriya.

"Will do."


Yo lads we are getting some character development for Bakugo. You love to see it. I am on a roll with these chapters. Let me know what you think of the pacing and generally how things are going. I love seeing the little comments you guys put out.

Alright. Criticism! Hand it on over lads lasses and ladets.

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