Chapter 12 Distrust

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Uraraka was sitting on her bed, waiting for her froggy friend to arrive with a hum on her lips and eyes on her door.

She found her gaze back with the outfits on her bed.

The one on the left was a nice red shirt that showed off a little chest, as well as some jean shorts and small accessories.

The one on the right was more modest, being an average white shirt with black kanji that was similar to what she often saw Midoriya wearing. That was paired with some normal jeans and a sweatshirt that read "UA!".

Uraraka found herself ignoring the clothes for now, Asui would help her with that later. She lightly hummed in anticipation.

Uraraka eventually heard a light knocking. It was almost... weak? Like there wasn't any energy behind it.

Uraraka opened her door to find Asui in front of her, nervously fidgeting with her hands.

Uraraka noticed that Asui wouldn't meet her eyes.

Asui spoke. "Can... Can I come in, Ochako-chan? Ribbit".

Uraraka stood concerned for a moment, then accepted Asui's request, allowing her inside.

Asui took a glance at the clothes on Uraraka's bed and went slightly pale. Uraraka's concern grew.

Uraraka had to make sure she was alright.

"Tsu-chan?" She spoke tenderly and softly. "What's wrong?"

Asui's face went dark and she stared at the floor for a split second, before instantly looking up at the outfits on Uraraka's bed.

"The red one, Ochako-chan... He would like the red outfit..." Asui said quietly.

Uraraka slowly nodded. "Okay... I'll go with that, Tsu-chan". She paused before continuing. "Are you going to answer my question?".

Asui gulped. "N-no Ochako-chan. I can't. Not to you. Ribbit".

Uraraka furrowed her eyebrows. "Why not?". She said in slight exasperation. "Do you not trust me?".

Asui found Uraraka's eyes for the first time in the conversation. "No! No it's not that... Ribbit."

Uraraka lowered her voice. "Then what is it?".

Asui looked away. "I... It's personal. I'm sorry Ochako-chan but I can't talk about it with you. Ribbit".

Uraraka looked away as well. "Fine. I won't push you for it then."

Asui moved towards the door. "Sorry... Ochako-chan but I have to go talk to someone else about this. Ribbit. E-Enjoy your date!".

Asui broke out into tears as she ran off, leaving Uraraka in stunned silence.

"What... Just happened...". Uraraka spoke to herself, unable to find an answer.

Maybe it was that time of the month?

No... They had helped each other through that before. She wouldn't have trouble talking to Uraraka about that.

Uraraka massaged her forehead. She supposed that whatever was going on with Asui was none of her business.

When she thought about it. Nothing had really just been accomplished. Well except for one thing.

She looked once again to the clothes on her bed and put away the sweatshirt outfit. She asked for advice and she had gotten it. Red shirt it was.

Uraraka still had a few hours until her date. She decided to take a nap before she would get ready. Arguing of any extent always made her tired.

She set an alarm on her phone and laid down, her eyes heavy.

Just like that, she was asleep.


Alright Fellas. Google told me there was a big server error and a bunch of accounts were lost. Including my personal one. If it had been my business account and I had lost all my business documents and work... I would have gone on a rampage. I am going out later to get some flash drives for all of my work. Should have done that earlier.

Anyways! Hope Y'all enjoyed the chapter. Next one is the date chapter! Get ready for it!

As always hand over any and all criticism!!

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