Chapter 6

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"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF!? HOW COULD YOU NOT HEAR THE GUY WITH A RIOT SHIELD COMING UP BEHIND YOU!?" I heard Malina shouting from the basement, causing me to groan.

"Azazel! There's a gremlin in the basement but i don't wanna get up." I grumbled, burying my face into my lovely girlfriends neck, causing her to giggle.

"(Y/N), you kinda have to. Last time she was left alone, she kinda... broke the tv." Azazel reminded me with a small smile.

"Fine." I grumbled, reluctantly getting up.

"I'll be right here waiting, love." Azazel called as i walked out of the room.

I grumbled to myself as i walked down the stairs, finding a few of the girls in the kitchen. It appeared that they were teaching Generic how to cook.

"Can i ask why no one's dealing with Malina?" I questioned as i leaned against the doorframe.

"Cuz no one wants to." Zdradra replied with a smirk on her lips, cigarette smoke coming out of her nose like a smoke machine.

"I don't care if you want to. She breaks another TV, you lot are buying it." I said, walking towards the stairs.

"That's no fair!" Cerberus shouted in unison, which i chose to ignore.

Walking down the stairs, i found Malina playing the hit game 'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege' for the millionth time.

"Hey bum bum. Calm down." I called from the stairs.

"Shut up." Malina muttered under her breath, taking a long swig of her Vodka.

"Nah, that ain't my style." I replied, sitting down next to her.

"You seem different today. What changed?" Malina questioned, turning towards me.

"Probably the like... three years since the author even touched Wattpad." I replied nonchalantly, causing Malina to give me a weird look.

"Who?" She questioned.

"No one you would remember." I answered. "They showed up like... three years ago. Probably more, i honestly don't remember when we phased into existence."

"It certainly has been a while." Malina agreed.

"Anyways, why are you playing this game? You know you hate it." I asked, tilting my head as i looked down at her.

"Because I'm bored out of my mind." She grumbled, crossing her arms as she stared at the coffee table.

"That's... not a good excuse. At least play it with a friend. Its much more enjoyable that way." I recommended, taking my personal experience with the game into account.

"What friends?" She questioned, her bad mood seeming to grow.

"Uh... me?" I suggested. "I'm not opposed to playing games with you."

"But you were cuddling with Azazel." She mumbled, a slight blush growing on her face.

"Its... really not that hard to play games while cuddling. Plus, Azazel loves watching me play games." I explained.

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