Chapter 5

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"Hey you, you're finally awake! You were caught trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there." A voice we all know said.

"Oh god oh shit! Not Skyrim! Anything but Skyrim!" I thought to myself. "Its the worst fantasy rpg, I mean, wheres the fucking bard class!" I then woke up in a cold sweat.

"Whats wrong Y/N?" Azazel asked sleepily.

"Nothing, just a nightmare." I said before going back to bed. I had a much better dream this time. I think. For some reason I could remember the Skyrim one but not this one. It was 6 am and I needed to get up. I turned over to Azazel and froze.

"Holy shit how can someone be so adorable!" I thought to myself. "Might as well take a break today." I proceeded to summon a clone to make pancakes and shit.

"Aight back to cuddles." I said before laying down. A few hours later i heard screaming.


"I DONT FUCKING KNOW!" She answered. I sighed and got up, much to Azazels displeasure.

"Can you shut up and not fuck up this time?" I askes as I walked down the stairs.

"Ahh! What the fuck?" Judgement yelled.

"Bruh, what did I just ask?" I asked, as I made another clone. I then noticed the two police officers were back. "Oh, it's you two. Hello, you never introduced yourselves. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

"I'm Samantha, and this is Anne. Nice to meet you." One of the police officers replied. I'll let you decide which is which.

"Now that that's out of the way, I'm going to go cuddle with my angle girlfriend, like a good boyfriend."

Upon walking upstairs, I saw Azazel awake.

"What happened?" She asked.

"They killed my clone." I answered.

"Ah... thats nice." She said, yawning.

I heard yelling from down the hall, and what sounded like a breaking glass bottle. I sighed. "I'm gonna go check on that."

"Okay, have fun."

"Funny joke."

The noise was coming from Malinas room, as was obvious due to the fact she just burst out of it, looking very confused.

"Y/N! What the fuck just happened!" She yelled.

"Not a clue, I wasn't in there." I replied.

"Oh... yeah that makes sense. Anyways, another demon chick popped out of the GODDAMN FLOOR IN MY ROOM WHAT THE HELL!" She yelled.

"Really? Let me see." I said, before walking in. Inside I saw a demon that could only be described as generic. I mean, look for yourself.

 I mean, look for yourself

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"Who are you?" I asked.

"Hiya! My names Generic! I just popped out of this floor for some reason. Who are you?" The now named generic asked.

"I'm Y/N. Any idea how you showed up in this room?" I asked.

"Not a clue. I was told to make sure no one uses the sin machine, so I went over to the sin machine, and poof, here we are." She answered.

"Seems legit. Umm... we have a spare room if you need one? I'll go ask Lucy." I said.

"The Loremasters maid?" Generic asked.

"The who-what-huh?" I asked.

"The Loremaster? Latest ruler of hell? First to succeed in mixing a human and a demon into one being? Any of this ringing a bell?" She asked.

"Fuck my life. Your from the future I guess? Lucy's still the ruler of hell in this time period. Loremaster doesn't even exist yet, that I know of." I explained.

"So... I time traveled back in time?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's what happened. Once again, we have a spare room that you can sleep in if needed, cause you know, we aren't exactly time wizards. At least, they're not, but time magic is a bit finicky." I explained.

"I would indeed like a room to stay in if thats fine with you." She said.

"I'll have to ask everyone else." I replied.



"Everyone else seems fine with it." I told Generic.

"Thanks! I'll try to find a way back home as soon as I can!" She replied.

"I mean, there's also the staying option, I don't think anyone would mind." I replied to her replying.

"We'll see how it goes!" She replied to my reply to her reply. She walked into her new room, and I proceeded to go to bed.

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