Extras: Azazels superiors part 2

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Back at the house, it was chaos.


"Because we're old friends and he wanted pancakes." Y/N said nonchalantly.

"Wait Jesus is on the couch?" Justice asked, looking over to the couch.

"Indeed I am my child." Jesus said.


"Yes, we have confirmed this." Jesus said.

"Anyways, Jesus being your friend i can somewhat believe, but why is there an Angel general beside him?" Lucy asked.

"Lucy, Lucy, shut the fuck up." Y/N said, placing his hand on her face.

"W-what! I could send you to hell here and now!" She exclaimed.

"And I'll do what? Die of boredom? Anyways, the answer for everything is pancakes." Y/N said.

"Oh..." Lucifer said.

"So... Lucy huh?" Jesus teased.

"Oh shut up." She said, walking out of the room.

"Hey Jesus, what was that thing you were talking about with Gabriel earlier?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, that. Now that I see your predicament I kind of regret it but it was already decided so screw it!" Jesus exclaimed.

"And this decision is?" Y/N asked.

"Shhhhhhh." Jesus said, putting his hand on Y/N's face. "Lets just say that she's going to help Azazel confirm everything, and you get to punish her however you see fit."

"However I see fit?" Y/N asked.

"However you see fit." Jesus confirmed.

"Oh shit hand holding time!" Y/N exclaimed. "MODEUS GET IN HERE I GOT A JOB FOR YOU AND JUDGEMENT!"

"What is it?" Judgement asked as Modeus almost tripped down the stairs.

"Yeah what is it!" Modeus exclaimed.

"You two have the honor of tying this angel to a chair and-" Y/N started, but stopped as he smelled cigarette smoke. He turned around in a ridged fashion while dislocating his arms to allow him to crawl on the ceiling like a god damn spider. He then proceeded to crawl above Zdradra and stared bullets into her skull.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to die?" Zdradra asked herself as she looked up.

"Because you are." Y/N said in a tone of voice that scared even Jesus himself.

"OH GOD OH FUCK SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME PLEASE!" Zdradra yelled, running away from the horrid creature we know as Y/N.

"You can never escape!" Y/N exclaimed as he chased her into the hallway. He then proceeded to use his magic to lock the doors near her, which trapped the demon at the end.

"What the hell is goin-" Pandemonica started to yell as she burst out of her room. "Oh shit that is terrifying... Have fun Zdradra!" She yelled as she ran away.

"YOU BITCH DONT LEAVE ME!" Zdradra yelled after her, but only got silence in return.

Suddenly, the hallway was coated in an impenetrable darkness that not even Jesus could peirce with his holy radiance (not the fucking moth). All that was seeable were two tiny white dots. Zdradra was terrified as she curled up in a ball on the ground. Suddenly, she heard a camera snap and felt a hug.

"Fucking gottem!" Y/N yelled as he ran away, leaving a terrified Zdradra, while Azazel tried to comfort her.

"Anyways, Modeus, you and Judgement get to torture Gabriel here with all the headpats and hand holding you can imagine." Y/N said as he walked back into the living room, his limbs slowly relocating themselves

"Wait... Only headpatting and hand holding? Thats not torture!" Judgement exclaimed.

"Shes an Angel, thems things am very much so torture to them. Unless your Azazel, who is a massive closet pervert." Y/N said.

"H-hey!" Azazel exclaimed.

"Really? We get to do that!" Modeus exclaimed.

"Yes." Y/N said, which caused Modeus to run away with Gabriel and Judgement on her shoulders.

"... Well anyways, thanks for the pancakes, but i must take my leave." Jesus said, still slightly scared of what he had just seen.

"Aww, was I that scary?" Y/N asked himself as Jesus hauled ass through a portal.

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