Chapter 3: Hangover

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I woke up with a pounding headache. What did I do yesterday? Oh yeah, Azazel and I talked... I got drunk... WAIT I GOT DRUNK AND AZAZEL WAS ON THE BED!

You then felt something move in your arms and saw Azazel, sleeping peacefully.

"Shit, I'm definitely drinking that again if this is how I'll wake up." You said to yourself, looking at the sleeping beauty between your arms. She started waking up and looked around, as you quickly pretended to be asleep again.

"W-why didnt he let go at all last night?" Azazel asked herself. You decided to mess with her in your 'sleep'. You pulled her closer to you, which got an "eep" out of her. You then opened your eyes and kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning beautiful." You said as she exploded into a blush redder than the hair of that devil from that one show.

"H-h-hello Y/N" she said. You smirked at this and decided to mess with her some more. You tilted her head up to yours and stared into her sky blue eyes. You then leaned in. Right as You were about to kiss her, the door opened. You groaned and looked over to see... Lucy with a tray of pancakes. Oh shit thats right, thats a thing F/N asked you to do.

"Hey you two, we got pancakes, I'll wait for you to be ready." Lucy said, walking out.

"Now... Where were we." You asked yourself as you looked at Azazel. She then realized what you were going to do and tried to get out of the room. You used your magic to close and lock the door.

"W-what the!" Azazel exclaimed. You then appeared in front of her and gave her hug.

"You're cute when your flustered." You said, lifting her up in your arms.

"Y-Y/N" Azazel said.

"What?" You asked.

"I-I t-think I l-l-like you." She answered. You chuckled.

"Yeah... I like you too, cutie." You said and gave her a peck on the lips. This got a gasp out of her, and caused her to explode into a mess for the second time within 5 minutes.

You lifted her onto her feet and pushed her out of your room as you changed into your usual outfit.

You walked out of your room and downstairs, before it finally hit you. The dreaded thing all people who drink get. A hangover.

"AH FUCK!" you yelled, startling everyone.

"What the hell?" Asked Zdradra.

"Fucking shit fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck ow shit worst experience of my life fuck." You said as you sat on the couch.

"What happened?" Cerberus asked.

"Hangover." You said bluntly while holding your head.

"Oof" said an unknown voice.

You looked up and saw what looked like two police officers.

"Oh shit... I didnt burn down that orphanage!" You said running out the door.

Take 2

"Oh shit... Hi? What did judgement do." You deadpanned.

"Nothing? We're just here for pancakes." One of them said.

"You must be those officers he talked about. Y/N L/N, Ok at best to meet you." You said.

"Oh you must be the new guy they were talking about." Said the one in a suit.

"Yeah, wonder how you figured that out." You said. "Wait I'm dumb." Your hands then proceeded to glow as your hangover disappeared.

"That's better." You said.

"Ok, what the fuck was that!" Exclaimed the one who looked like she belonged on a swat team.

"Magic" you said doing jazz hands, before walking into the kitchen. You grabbed all the ingredients you needed and got to work making your best recipe... Bacon Pancakes.

"Bacon pancakes making bacon pancakes. Take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake... Bacon pancakes thats what its gonna make bacon pancaaaaaakkkkeeeeessss." You sang while making the masterpiece, while everyone sweatdropped.

"Yo what the actual fuck happened to Y/N?" Modeus asked.

"I dont know but it scares me" Lucy answered.

"I have ears you know, and I can grab 'that' at any time so up the shut fuck ya fuck failed abortions." you yelled, which got them to shut up.

You proceeded to make your pancakes and eat said pancakes and ignore everyones existence as you went back to your room. Before it was invaded and You were dragged back downstairs. You broke out before you got to the stairs and proceeded to do a funny.

"Hey Jimmy play that one where in fall down the stairs." You said as a guy appeared with a piano. You then proceeded to trip down the stairs.

"Oof" was all you said.

"Anyways why was I dragged out?" You asked while loading your shotgun with religious intent. That religion being bed.

"Where the fuck did that come from!" Judgment yelled, and backed away, scared.

"Anyone going to answer the question?" You said while putting in the last shell.

"W-well... We need to talk." Lucy said.

"About?" You asked.

"Why did Azazel come down a blushing mess?" She answered.

"Oh... Thats simple. She made an ok at best choice and that ended in me being flirty." You answered.

"Oh." She deadpanned

"What happened?" Melina asked.

"Alcohol" you answered.

"And?" She prodded.

"I dont know, come over later if you want to find out." you answered. You then left.

"Hey Jimmy play the one where I fall up the stairs!" They heard you yell, and you proceeded to fall up the stairs.

"What do I even expect anymore." Lucy said, as she stared after the physics defying man.

This chapter was brought to you by the author almost throwing up like 5 times while editing it

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