Extras: Azazels superiors part one

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Oh... You're still here? Fine I'll tell you another side story.

Here we see Y/N and Azazel in Y/N's room.

Readers p.o.v.

"So you're trying to convince one of your superiors to come down here?" I asked.

"Yup!" Azazel answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"I need someone to confirm my report." She answered.

"You're lucky you're so cute or else i would never allow this." I said. This caused the usual reaction of blushing.

"Y-you want to come with me? I might need some help." She said.

"Sure cutie." I said. She then proceeded to open a portal to heaven.

"So this is heaven?" I asked.

"Yup!" Azazel said. "Now we gotta get to my presentation!"

"Wait... What presentation?" I asked.

"Wait... I didnt tell you about it?" Azazel asked nervously.

"No, no you didn't." I said with a slight hint of anger in my voice.

"W-wait, please dont leave, I need You to confirm what happened so far!" Azazel exclaimed.

"Fine, but you're getting punished when we get back home." I said.

"O-okay." Azazel said. "Well anyways, the presentation hall is this way." She said, grabbing my arm and dragging me along.

"Hey, hey give me a minute, I gotta get something slightly professional on, i stick out like a sore thumb!" I exclaimed while pulling his arm away.

"O-oh, good point." Azazel said. I then proceeded to magic myself a new suit. Gotta look good around literal fucking angels.

"Okay, good to go." I said, while walking.

"W-wait you're walking to fast!" Azazel yelled after him.

"Oh, sorry. What if we held hands so you dont get dragged behind?" I asked. This caused Azazel.exe to stop working.

"Azazel?" I asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

"O-okay." Azazel said after a few seconds.

"Oh shit that actually worked?" I asked himself.


Azazel then proceeded to slip her hand into mine. We quickly got to the room and Azazel walked in, with me following behind.


"Hello Azazel, good to see you again. You're letter didn't say anything about bringing someone here with you. Care to explain?" Said a feminine voice.

"O-oh um..." Azazel started.

"Oh come on we dont have all day!" The voice exclaimed. Azazel tried to get the words out, but in the end she couldn't. So i took her place.

"I'm Y/N L/N, and you are?" I asked.

"General Gabriel of heaven. Why are you here?" Asked the first voice.

"Emotional support, confirmation, she asked, ladedadeda, I'm here now so who cares." I said.

"Go on Azazel, do your thing." I said, shoving her forward.

"O-oh!" Azazel exclaimed, startled.

"You got it!" I whisper-yelled, while giving her a thumbs up.

Then a presentation on... Modern day sinning (?) happened. Most of them weren't even sins, like going on a date, or h*ndholding. Oh wait that last one is the worst sin. This presentation caused most of the angels present to get flustered. Including the oh so mighty General.

"And as you can see, modern day sinning is much different than historic sinning." Azazel finished. A few seconds of silence followed.

"You expect me to believe this?!" The general yelled.

"I can confirm, it all happened. And if you want to argue I will exist." I threatened.

"Oh shit, its the ultimate threat!" Exclaimed a random angel.

"You expect me to take you seriously? You? A HUMAN?" the general yelled.

"Human? Who ever said anything about that?" I said.

"Wait... If you're not a human, then what are you?" A random angel questioned.

"Its time for me to properly introduce myself. I'm Y/N L/N, the 11057 year old immortal, and one of Jesus' closest friends." I said. A door suddenly slammed open and in came the home boi breadslice himself, Jesus Christ.

"Y/N! It really is you!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, it is me, much wow." I said.

"Dont act like that, its been over a thousand years since we've seen each other!" He yelled.

"And you're loud." I said.

"Whats wrong?" My homeboi breadslice asked.

"This General is questioning my legitimacy!" I exclaimed.

"Wait... What?" Jesus asked, before turning and pulling Gabriel away. A few minutes later, he came back with her following close behind.

"I-I apologise for my rudeness!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"Meh, I honestly didnt care much until you yelled at Azazel." I said.

"Wait... Whats this about You and Azazel?" Jesus asked.

"We're kinda... Together? Sure." I answered.

"Oh so thats the special case." He said.

"Special case?" I asked.

"Yeah. One of the angels were set to 'uncorruptable' and I couldn't change it." Jesus said.

"Cool, anyways is that all, I got pancakes to make." I said.

"Wait... Pancakes?" Jesus asked.

"Yes pancakes." I answered.

"Well there was something else but me and Gabriel can tell you about that later, I want pancakes." Jesus said, while grabbing Gabriel.

"Um... Theres a problem? Depends on your relations with hell." I said.

"And that is?" He asked.

"I kinda live with the current Satan and a bunch of demons, and I dont do politics. Even between heaven and hell." I explained.

"Oh... Is that it? We've been on good terms with hell lately so its fine." Jesus said.

"Well pancakes it is then!" I yelled.


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