Chapter 2: Getting to know an Angel

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You sat your suitcase down in your room and sat on the bed.

"If I said that went well, id be a liar." You said to yourself. You took the shotgun off your back and set it on a dresser. You tried to remember your family, but all you could see were silhouettes.

"Fuck, why me." You asked yourself.

*3 day timeskip*

After three days of waking up early, making pancakes, making coffee, and then committing room hermit, you were doing pretty good. After a while, you grew accustomed to the new thing in your life. You also decorated your room. A TV, an Xbox one, Nintendo Switch, and Ps4, your shotgun was on the wall, and you got a guitar and put it in the corner. Not much, but just enough.

You heard knocking on your door. You got up and opened the door. You didnt see anyone, but then you realized that you were like... 2 feet taller than all the girls. You looked down and saw Azazel.

"What do you need?" You asked.

"W-well you're 'stuck' with us for a year and I thought that it'd be nice to get to know you!" She said.

"Fine, come on in." You said, opening the door more.

"So... How old are you?" Azazel asked.

"11057" you answered.

"W-WHAT!" she exclaimed.

"11057." You said again.

"Holy-" she started before stopping herself.

"Anyways, if your going to ask about my past, and I know you will, im going to need a drink." You said. "Wait here ima go find something."

You went downstairs and saw everyone tense up.

"Now... Im I was f/N where would I stash my special vodka?" You asked yourself. "In my secret basement of course!" You answered yourself, opening said secret basement and seeing some good shit. 200 proof? "Wait... Where the fuck did he get 200 proof vodka? Isn't that just ethanol?" You asked yourself while leaving with your new best friend.

"Why are you guys looking at me?" You asked the group of demon girls.

"Its hard not to when you found something not even Lucy knew was there." Said the one who radiated the essence of a bitch.

"Zdradra I guess?" You asked.

"Yeah." She answered.

"Well you guys can fuck off this is now my child." You said, holding the bottle defensively.

"Wait... What am I doing I can just clone it." You said to yourself.

"Clone?" Lucy asked.

"Is it that hard to believe that I know magic?" You asked.

"A little." She said.

"Well I do so fuck off" you said, going back upstairs. You cloned the bottle into your other hand and chugged one. In a few minutes, you were going to have a great time.

"I HAVE RETURNED!" You yelled, kicking open the door, scaring Azazel.

"And I am going to be utterly fucked in about 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... And it's started." You said, starting to stumble.

"What did you drink?" Azazel asked.

"Liquor that is way to strong." You said, before faceplanting in the bed.

"Oh..." Azazel said.

"You know... This is hitting me like a freight train being pushed by a fucking rocket." You said

"Sound about right" said a new voice. You looked over and saw Lucy.

"Hey beautiful" you said, making her blush a bit.

"You seem fine... Just don't do anything weird, 'Kay?" She asked.

"You got it chief" you said before looking at Azazel. "Any questions?" You asked.

"Um... What do you like?" She asked.

"Alcohol, cursing, videogames, and music." You answered, before adding "And You." Those two words caused her to explode into a mess of blushes and stuttering. You then stood up, and proceeded to fall on your face.

"Ow" you said, causing Azazel to giggle a bit. You looked up at her and realized that you could see up her skirt.

"Oh shit I'm sorry" you said, looking away.

"Sorry about what?" She asked.

"I can see up your skirt" you answered, causing her to blush again. You proceeded to stand up, using the wall to support yourself, before stumbling back to your bed.

Now You might be wondering. 'Why is he talking normal, but acting drunk as fuck'. The answer is plot.

You managed to trip, which caused you to land with your face on something soft. You then heard a gasp, and realized what your face was on.

"Shit... I'm sorry" you said, rolling off her. If your tiny brain hasnt realized, you landed on her breasts.

You looked over to her and saw her face covered by her hands.

"Why you hiding something so beautiful." You said to her, causing her to blush more.

"W-why are you doing this?" She muttered.

"Because I actually like you, and for once, i can like someone without having to watch them die." You answered.

"O-oh" she said. You then surprised her by hugging her. She tried to resist, but eventually gave up, and cuddled up to you.

"Man this was a bad idea... But I regret nothing." You said. Then the alcohol finally got to you and you passed out with Azazel trapped in your arms.

"Hey everything going good up... Here?" Lucy said as she walked in on the sight of Y/N snuggling up to Azazel.

"Help me" Azazel mouthed.

"Nah, hes having fun and I think if I got to close hed pull me in." Lucy replied.

This was how You learned not to drink from the secret stash.

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