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It's been a decade since I last saw Boris. I've graduated college and published my first book. My dad visits me a few times with his family and told me how proud he was of me. It did extremely well and sometimes I catch myself wondering if Boris read it. Theo and I usually meet up a few times a month. I met his girlfriend for the first time the other day her name is Kitsy. He has had a pretty good dating life.

Me on the other hand not so much. I've had my heart broken once or twice by both women and men. So I decided to just focus on myself and my work. I decided to meet with Kotku. Over the years we kept in touch. So I told her to meet me for lunch.

When we first met up again she told me she hadn't spoken to Boris in a long time as well. But filled me in on everything he did. We became best friends over time and she even helped me publish my book.

.  .  .

"Hey love!" Kotku said holding her hands out for a hug. I gladly accepted the hug and squeezed her tightly. "How are you doing?" I asked her sitting down. "Good!" "That's great!" I said. We talked for a bit before she brought up Boris.

"Have you seen him recently? I know it's been a decade but hey what if one day he shows up" She says throwing her hands up and laughing. I awkwardly laughed with her. "Well, I haven't seen him. I've thought about him but it's been a while" I said sighing.

Hobie recently gave me a bag. It was the same bag I had when I first ran away. I looked through it and found photos and the t-shirt he gave me. I was very overwhelmed with emotions but refused to cry over him. I smoke cigarettes more frequently due to stress. The red Marlboros always remind me of him. I laugh to myself when I buy them.

"Okay, hypothetically let's say Boris came back and you two saw each other what would you do?"  she asked folding her hands and placing them under her chin.

"Well, I don't know probably sock him right in the face. I was 14 did he just expect me not to be heartbroken?" We chuckled at my comment. "I don't blame you I probably would too." She said stirring her coffee. We talked and ate for a while more before I had to leave to go to a meeting.

I was walking down the street trying to catch a cab. When I saw a tall man with dark raven hair. I had to do a double-take making sure I didn't just see who I thought it was. But it was someone else. I tried to play it cool and act like I didn't just look that man square in the face.

.  .  .

After my meeting, I got a call from Theo "Hey Y/n I have a friend I want you to meet! Can we meet at a bar tonight?" He asked me hoping I'd say yes. "Sure why not!" "Great I'll text you the address!" he replied. "Okay well see you soon," I said hanging up.

Selenophile/ Boris Pavlikovsky x readerWhere stories live. Discover now