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I arrived at the event a few hours after Theo texted me. I felt a bit underdressed as I was only wearing a dressy shirt and pants with a coat on top. I walked around the huge place looking for Theo or Boris. I was mostly hoping I'd find Theo first. But just my luck I bumped into Boris. "Hey!" I said 'that sounded a bit too excited'  I thought to myself "Hi have you seen Theo?" he asked. I shook my head no. "Boris! I couldn't find the bar" a girl whined clinging onto his arm.

'And who is this Barbie bitch?' I thought looking at the blonde girl up and down. "Hi I'm Amanda!" she said holding her hand out for me while obnoxiously chewing gum. I stared at her in disgust. She awkwardly put her hand down. "I read your book by the way," She said her earings making loud noises.

I gave her a fake smile. "Thanks," I said crossing my arms. "Well I'm gonna go get a drink," I said leaving. I didn't fit in with everyone here. I found the bar a few minutes later. I got this really fancy drink. "Is it possible I could just get like a rum and coke or something" The bartender nodded meanwhile I downed the drink. I thanked her and left. I sat down at an empty table. Everyone gave me weird looks. I was obviously uncomfortable.

I was at the event for at least an hour before getting a call from a random number. I got up getting my things and slipped away into a random hallway. "Hello?" I asked answering the phone. "Hi is this Y/n L/n?" They asked. "Yes, who is this?" I asked starting to get anxious.

"we're calling from Lenox Hill Hospital your father has gotten into a terrible accident please come quickly." They said "Okay I'll be there soon," I said trying to sound put together. As soon as I hung up I broke down. Luckily no one was around. Or so I thought.

"You alright красивый?" He asked stepping closer to me. I nodded and wiped my tears away. "No you are not," he said sighing and hugging me. I told him what happened and he said he would drive me to the hospital. I texted Theo that we left and why.

We signed in and were told to wait for anything. I sat down a few rooms away from where my dad was my leg bouncing up and down. I bit my finger. Boris rubbed my back. I was silently crying. We saw a doctor come towards us so we stood up.

"Ma'am we are doing everything we can for your father but I'm afraid he might not make it. He is stable for now but seems to be having random outbursts. You and your boyfriend can go see him." He said. "We're not dating" I mumbled. We got up and went to go see him.

"Hey Y/n," he said with a low raspy voice. "Hey Dad," I said sniffling. We started small talk. "I might not make it darling," he said. "Don't say that dad" I cried out holding his hand. Boris kinda stood there awkwardly. "Take care of her young man do what I never could," he said to Boris coughing slightly. "I love you Y/n and I'm so sorry," he said quietly. "I love you too dad" I whispered kissing his cheek. He kept closing and opening his eyes.

Selenophile/ Boris Pavlikovsky x readerWhere stories live. Discover now