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{ Y/n}

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{ Y/n}

Boris, Theo and I decided we were going to go out to a bar later tonight. I decided to get ready just so I could have spare time to do random shit around my house and finish some work. Boris sent me the address where we were all meeting at. It was the same bar I saw Boris again.
.  .  .
After I walked into the bar I saw Boris and Theo. After sitting down with them and talking about random things the waiter brought us food. "They serve food here?" I asked confused. "Not usually." Boris winked at me. "Wait Boris what do you do?" Theo asked. "This, that. Many things you know. Just getting by." Theo chuckled. "So what exactly are you doing in New york? Are you here to stay?" I asked hoping he'd say yes.

"Well no I travel a lot. Sometimes here. Uh Sweden, Belgium, Germany." "Russia?" Theo asked. "Not so much." Boris said. "We thought maybe you went back to Russia because you never came." I looking at my folded hands. "Well um very fucked up time. For a while I worked for Mr.Silver!" "What?" Theo said in disbelief. "I was living with Xandra at the time." "What?" I laughed. "My dad had moved I had nowhere to go. We ended up getting along. Mr. Silver would come round. So for a while I am his assistant. Do this do that" Theo smiled widely still in disbelief. I laughed. "Do you know what we did in college? Conversational Russian, because of you." We smiled. "It used to make me think of you." I said once again looking down.

Boris chuckled softly and looked down in shame. "Potter, Y/n, I am so sorry for what I did to you two." We shook our heads. "Forget it" I said. "No I-I can't." He said sternly. "Are you happy potter?" Boris asked. Theo shrugged. "Not very." I placed my hand on top of his. "A girl?" Boris asked. "Look, it's not that it's- I'm engaged to be married. I don't know why I'm telling you this but I saw her kissing another guy." He sighed. "An old friend of mine. Tom Cable." "The asshole with the cigarettes when you were a kid?" I asked angrily. Theo nodded.

"And you love her?" Boris asked. "But not too much I think." I said. "It's complicated." Theo said. "There is someone else?" Boris questioned. "Alright enough of this" Theo chucked. "Let's go somewhere. Let's get a taxi." Theo said. "A taxi?" Boris asked slamming his hand on the table. He laughed.
.  .  .

Boris had his own driver! How did I not know this. We got in and began driving around drinking and making jokes. "You've got a fucking driver. You?" Theo asked. Boris pulled out an old altoids carton. Inside there contained pills. Theo and Boris laughed while I was anxious. I haven't touched drugs in a long time. Theo snorted the white powder without a care as if he didn't see me almost die.

Boris offered but I declined reminding him I was trying to stay clean. I stared out the window. "Watch you're spilling it!" Boris said. "Well hold it still!" Theo argued. "Come work for me!" Boris said to Theo. I drowned out whatever they said after that and just stared at absolutely nothing. I didn't even know where we were going. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Boris saying "I am so sorry, Potter. So sorry for what I did." "Forget it!" Theo said. "I can't forget it! That I should treat you so badly. And I have tried I swear to you I have tried to get it back." I was confused on what they were talking about. "I thought you might have heard about Miami and I wanted to tell you that nothing, nothing could be traced back to you." Boris said reassuring Theo. Theo gave Boris a confused look. "No. You never opened it? All these years? How could you not fucking open it!" Boris yelled.

"Shut the fuck up! What's going on?" I asked. "You had stayed I would have- I would have given it back to you. I promise. Told you that I had switched it. But you wouldn't wait! You had to go straight away and I was scared to tell you that I'm so ashamed. Still so ashamed." Theo shook his head. "Bullshit! Nobody knew about it! No one has ever-" Boris interrupted Theo. "You are a blackout drunk Potter. You showed Y/n and I it. At thanksgiving you two were totally wrecked. You unwrapped it and showed us. And I wanted it but not to sell. I swear to you. You cannot sell something like that." "I don't believe one word you're saying." Theo said. I was still confused. "This is the back of the painting." That's when it hit me. "The verso proved that we have it." It was that fucking painting. Everyone thought it was gone. Boris showed Theo and I a picture from his phone

"The painting was used as collateral on certain deals. Until Miami and I swear to you Potter I swear- what are you?" Theo grabbed my hand. "What's going on?" I asked. "Your boyfriend is a fucking crook!" Theo took my hand and got off the car. "Please stop!" I could hear Boris yell. We began running. I had no idea where but I just followed Theo.

We eventually stoped at a storage unit. Theo grabbed a yellow bag. He pulled out a pillowcase that had something in it. It was something wrapped in newspaper. "The painting is right there Theo can we just go back-" He frantically peeled at the newspaper to reveal. Civics. It was our civics text book. My mouth hung open. I didn't know what to say.  Theo cried. I dropped down next to him and hugged him not knowing what else to do. We walked outside.

"Are you gonna be okay?" I asked him. He nodded. I checked my phone. 38 missed calls from Boris. I felt bad but Theo was my best friend he's been with me for the longest so it only made sense to be with him right now. I got Theo and I a taxi home. He got dropped off first. I gave him a tight hug. "Don't be afraid to call me." He sniffled.

The rest of the ride was full of silence. At least that's how my brain wanted it to be like. The cab driver played music. I tried my best to ignore it. My head was about to burst. I felt like shit. I feel like I don't even know Boris or Theo anymore. Was I hiding something? "This is your stop" The driver said. I thanked him and paid him before getting off. I walked up to the steps of my building just wanting to take a bath and drown myself. When I saw Boris standing outside. I rushed towards him. "The fuck are you doing here?" Tears flooded my eyes. My voice hitched. "I came to explain!" he said holding his hands up. I stood there patiently waiting for him to begin.

"Can we go insid- "No." He sighed and gave in. "Before Theo and you left. I took his painting I don't even know why!" He placed his hands on his head. "That is why I needed Theo to stay!" He explained. "He couldn't! Boris he had no one we were only kids." I held my temples. "This whole situation is so confusing to me! Why did he have the painting and now why do you have the painting. Why didn't you just tell him before we left?"

I sighed. "I need some rest and I think you do too you can answer all my questions tomorrow. Theo's having an engagement party with that whore. Feel free to come." I began walking inside the building. "Wait
Y/n" I turned and Boris kissed me. I pulled away. "Not now Boris. Goodnight." I sighed and began walking up.

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