[Chapter 4]

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I waited for a long time. It seemed too long, especially for him. Jeff always rushes things, so something was definitly off about the silence of the woods. I tapped my foot in a repeated pattern on the hard ground. Panic filled me. Suddenly, a terrifying noise filled the silence of the woods. It was the noise of Jeff screaming. "Jane!" I heard him yell. My name echoed, and i could hear it all throughout the woods. I grabbed the ciggarette lighter and lit a small flame hoping for a bit of light to help me see. I ran almost falling through the woods, and my legs began to grow tired. But that didn't stop me. "Jeff!" I didn't hear a response. I could hear my heartbeat busting through my ears, and i could feel the tears coming on. "Please jeff. Please answer!" I screamed into the deep woods. No answer. It cant be. He cant actally be gone. Or did he just pass out? Thoughts ran through my head. I pictured a bear attacking him. Or him tripping on something and falling into a deep hole. I finally heard a response. "Jane. Come here." It was Jeff's voice. "Where are you?" "I'm down here." He responded. There was a deep slant leading into a large creek at the bottom of the rock i was standing on. I saw Jeff, trying to fight against the current of the water. He was holding onto a bigger rock, that the rough tides ran past. He was struggling to get onto the rock, and his fingers were slipping. When i saw his fingers slipping off one by one, i quickly ran down the creek to save him. He reached out his hand for support, and with alot of strength, we both worked together, and i finally pulled him out of the freezing current. I rested him the rock. I looked down to see a envolving blood stain on his upper thigh, get bigger and bigger through his navy jeans. "I don't think i can walk." He said. "Just leave me here. I was a dick today anyways." It made me angered by what he said. "I don't have time for this Jeff. I care about you." I helped him lift himself up, and i hung one of his arms over my shoulder. We worked together to make our way up the steep slant. Jeff grunted with pain. "Come on Jeff. You can make it. Come on." I whispered trying to comfort him as best as i could. We eventally made our way to the top, and we headed back to the spot.

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