[Chapter 18]

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I woke up. There has been so many times i've woken up in my life, but never in such a horrifying place like this. My body hurt badly. As i was about to reach to itch my nose, i relized i couldnt. I relized i was all tied up. i couldn't move my arms. I sat up quicky, and i relized i was in a white room. I saw nothing but white. I couldnt move my arms. I looked down, and i relized i was tied up in one of those white wrap things they put on the mentally.- i stopped. "Insane." I said outloud. Am i, in a mental hospital? What's happening!? I thought. I cant be in here. What did i do?! Help! I yelled out. Help! I yelled. No one answered. "Get me out of here!" "Help me!" No one answered me. Then, i really did relize how alone i really was. I was put away. Did they think i killed Liu? They must have. They probaly think i tried to kill myself too, since my throat was slit. Jeff probaly escaped. That fucking monster should he in here, not me. "I didnt do it!" I screamed. "He did!" "Jeff did it" "he killed Liu!" I added. Still no one answered. I'm killing that fucking monster. I thought. That fucking monster named, Jeff The Killer.

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