Chapter 37: Planning.

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damn... this is longer than my essays for school...

You let out a sigh, you were really starting to miss your original world and your brother. Maybe if you finished the game you could go back to your world?? As you were lost in your thoughts, Blake watched your blank expression as he sweeped the floor of the back of the school. Class still hasn't started yet, so you went to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, you snapped out of your thoughts. "Oh uh... Nothing. I've just been thinking about alot of things." you replied, "...You sure?" he asks. You nodded. "Well... Just know that you can talk to me alright?" he spoke out, you glance at Blake, You both have such a bond, and he's like an older brother to you. 

Is he really just some side character?? He feels so... Real. 

"Thanks for having my back Blake..." You told him, "I'll always have your back." He replied while patting your back, you let out a giggle. The school bell soon rang, you grumbled and soon got up, looks like it was another day of not understanding any of the lessons in school.

-Time Skip- 

It was lunch time and you were at the canteen, along with the three best boys. The four of you were rambling on and on, telling each other bizzare and random stories. "Which dumbass would even mistake a condo, for condom??" Zenitsu asks, you wheezed and pointed at Inosuke.

"He would! Pfftt.... One time when I was with him, he pointed at a condo and said 'Wow, thats a large condom.'!!" You laughed, "FUCK YOU I JUST GOT CONFUSED!!" Inosuke shouted, "I actually remember the time he told me that you didn't need to brush your teeth if you put toothpaste on your food." Tanjirou commented, you laughed even more. 

"You guys just aren't on my level of intelligence!" Inosuke huffed and pouted, "Intelligence my ass." You rolled your eyes, Soon, a student walked past the four of you."Pfftt, Nice scar dumb fuck." the student commented and soon walked away laughing, you let out an offended gasp, you knew he was pointing at Tanjirou's scar. 

"Motherfu- Square up bitch!" You spoke out and got up from your seat, You were about to fight the student but you were stopped by Tanjirou, "Its not worth it Y/n." He reassured you. You stared at him before soon sitting down. "I hope he commits unbreathing." Inosuke commented while drinking his caprisun. 

"Don't listen to that dumbass Tanjirou! I love you scar!" You told him, he blushes and quickly looks away, 'I also love the birthmark on your lower back Y/n.' He thought. "Why're you complimenting him all of the sudden?" Zenitsu asks, "Because what that idiot said isn't ture, his scar isn't ugly. Duh." You replied. 

"Inosuke, call me ugly so Y/n can tell me I'm handsome." Zenitsu told Inosuke. "No." Inosuke simply replied. "Oh come on!" Zenitsu shouted, soon someone walked up to the four of you. "Y/n." someone spoke up, you turned to see Genya. "Oh! Hey Genya, should we start talking about what we're going to do?" You asked, he nodded. 

You soon got up from your seat, "Where are you both going?" Inosuke asks, "Well.. We need to plan what we're going to show for the science fair..." You replied. "Oh shit I forgot about that..." Inosuke mumbled. "I'll see you guys later!" You spoke out and waved your hand goodbye.

-Time Skip-

"Well... If we heat up the CD, and blow on it, it'll create this bubble like thing! CD bubbles!" You suggested, both of you were at the library, thinking of things to show. "Isn't that too basic?" He asked, "Then... How about we do two things? Like... When you put the styrofoam on acetone it dissolves!" You suggested. "Hmm... I don't know about that, how about we do that thing were you put force it becomes solid, but without force it becomes liquid." he replied. 

"Hmm... There are quite a lot..." You mumbled, You soon hissed in pain as a headache hit you. "...You alright?" he asks, "Yeah... Except for the pain and agony I'm feeling right now." You replied, 'Ugh... Why am I having a headache right now?' You thought, 'Is my stupidity finally catching up?? Making my brain small??' Genya soon started taking something from his bag. 

He soon handed you some medicine and his bottle of water. "Drink it, it'll help with the pain." He spoke out, you stared at it before taking it. "Thanks Genya." You thanked him, "Well well well.... Aren't you a caring man behind that mean demeanor of yours." you added.

He rolls his eyes, "You're a good person Genya. You have a cool hairstyle, you also feed the cat-" You were cut off by him, "Ugh, stop showering me with praises." he replied, you pouted, "Fine.". But then, you realized something, you let out a gasp. 

"D-Do you have a... Degradation kink...?!" you spoke out dramatically, "I- WHAT?! NO! YOU JUST DON'T NEED TO SHOWER ME WITH PRAISES DUMBASS!" He replied, "Besides what is it with you and kinks?? Are you a kink shamer??" He added, "Kink shaming... Is my Kink...!" You spoke out jokingly.

He looked at you with disgust, you let out a laugh, "I'm just joking Genya." you reassured him. "Sure..." he replied, not convinced. 

-Time Skip- 

You let out a yawn, all of the students were at the gym. Muzan was making an announcement about the field trip which was next next week, after the science fair. The field trip was going to be in the hot springs. The teachers and the student council were at the stage, "And that is all..." Muzan spoke out, he soon turned to you, you raised an eyebrow. "Now, the vice president, Y/n, has prepared a speech." Muzan says and smirks. 'Whatthefuck?' You thought. Rengoku's eyes widen, he was supposed to be the one doing the closing speech, why the change of plans..?

"Go ahead Y/n." Rengoku cheered for you, you gulped and slowly walked up to the podium. As you were panicking to think of a speech, Muzan grabbed your arm out of nowhere and pulled you closer to him, "Don't be scared, just read out what the paper says on the podium." He whispered. 

What was his goal..? You slowly nodded and soon the stage was all yours. "G-Good morning- I mean good afternoon everyone..." You spoke out, you wanted to dissapear... You cursed at yourself for saying good morning. 'Seriously?? Good morning?? Why am I stuttering?? Get it together!' you thought.

You then started reading the speech outloud, you were making mistakes... you were stuttering and you also had a voice crack! Muzan only chuckled in amusement, but then, Rengoku went to the podium. He then placed a hand over your shoulder to ease your nervousness. He then took over the mic. You let out a sigh, you knew you messed up and didn't give a good impression. 

After the speech was over, everyone soon started leaving the gym. Muzan soon walked up to you, "Hmm... It needs more improvement." He commented, "You didn't give me a heads up..." You crossed  your arms, "You're the vice president, you should be ready for these kinds of things." he replied, "You're welcome to my office tomorrow for me to teach you." he chuckled and soon walked away. 

You groaned, Rengoku soon walked up to you. "Don't beat yourself up Y/n. You weren't ready." he told you. You sighed, "Ugh... Still, it's embarrassing..." you replied. "Thanks for helping me Rengokue..." you added. "No problem Y/n." he gave you a smile. 

Soon, someone called out your name. "Y/n!" Senjuro called out, you turned to him. "Oh hey Senjuro." you told him, "Oh! aniki you're here too, I thought you were already out of the gym." Senjuro commented, "Well, I still had to stay for a little while, to clean up the chairs." Rengoku replied, Senjuro only nodded. 

Senjuro soon handed you a bag filled with your favorite snacks, "I wanted to give you this Y/n." he says, your eyes lit up. "Thank you Senjuro!" You told him and pat his head, he giggles. "Are there any for me?" Rengoku asks, Senjuro turns to him, "I always give you snacks at home aniki." Senjuro replied, he chuckles. You soon got up. 

"We should probably start cleaning up Rengoku-" you were cut off as you were walking away, you tripped. "Y/n!" both of them yelled out and was about to catch you, but then, you saved yourself. "Its fine guys!" you reassured them. "Damn... I tripped on air..." you commented. 

Senjuro and Rengoku froze, realization quickly hit them... Did they... Did they like the same girl...?

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