Chapter 100.1: Convince.

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(im splitting it into two/three parts bcuz i like cliffhangers. WARNING!! dark themes, incest, pedophilia.)

-Izuku's POV-

I stared at the game, still baffled at the information I found out... How did Y/n get transported in the game...? If so... What kind of quirk was used? And... Who would do that to her and why...? I was lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice Mina calling out my name, "ku... DEKU!!" She screamed, I flinched as I turned to her. "Oh! Hello Mina! Sorry... I was lost in my own thoughts." she let out a laugh, "No worries, I understand but I think I might lose my voice if I have to scream out your name to get your attention any time we meet." she replied. I let out an apologetic smile. Her curious eyes soon laid upon the game I was holding.

"Oh! I know that game! It got into a drama because of the CEO of the company." She commented, "Really? Why?" I asked. That's weird... I don't think I heard anything about that... But... Now that I think about it, I was probably too busy with my duties... "Well... The CEO got exposed as a pedophile by one of the game developers! Not only that but the CEO is attracted to his younger sister ever since she was 4! Because of that, they had to kick out the CEO of the company, they still published the game though... I can't tell you much because the names were censored by the news, there's not much info about their identities too." She informed me. Wow, that was... A lot to take in...

I was shocked by what she told me, there was a lot to unpack there... Maybe I should do more research about this later...

"Well... Damn... That's... Umm..." I was speechless. "Yeah... I feel sorry for the younger sister though... I heard she died, but maybe those are just rumors." She added. "Oh! Oh my god, I have to go! I'll talk to you later!" Mina quickly left. "Oh um! Thank you! And uhh... Goodluck??" I didn't really know what to tell her since she was in a hurry. Haah... I'm finding out so much... There's that thing Aizawa Sensei told me too... Futamo was it...? I wonder why he mentioned her... I only remember her being jealous of Y/n and how she tried separating us both... And... There was that.


"You can be like that for Y/n but not for me?! She's adopted too what's the difference?!!" Futamo screamed, "We both know that isn't the point! It's just that... Why are you trying to separate us? You're not my sister! Y/n is! I can be an older brother figure to you but I can't be YOUR older brother! You aren't my priority so why do you always get angry at me when I come to Y/n's aid first??" I replied out of frustration, I was so angry I managed to spill out my own true thoughts. Futamo grit her teeth as tears rolled down her cheek. She mumbled something that I couldn't quite make up...

"ust... anted... an... lder brother...not....ine..."

-Flashback end-

Still... I can't forgive her, after what she'd done to Y/n... Well, that's enough thinking about this, I need to focus on helping people first... I can think about this later. Y/n... Wherever you are... I hope you're safe...


-2nd Person POV-

"What... What are you doing here?" Kokushibo spoke out in a dark tone. Your face turned pale as your mind was starting to panic, but you tried to keep your composure. "Y-Yoriichi is just letting me stay because my apartment burnt down..." you replied. That was a lie, you were planning on living with Yoriichi since he had a spare room, and you were also going to get all of your stuff from Melanie and Aimi's place and move it to Yoriichi's. You texted the girls in advance as to what you would do but they haven't replied yet, you were planning on moving to Blake's place if he ever came back but you didn't know when.

Kokushibo's eyes observed your body language. He wasn't buying what you said, what made him even more pissed what that you were calling his brother by his first name. "Are you looking for Yoriichi because he's at work... I think..." you added, as your eyes laid upon the box he was holding. Without warning, he headed inside Yoriichi's house. You gulped out of nervousness, "I'm going to wait for him." Kokushibo informed you. "Oh... Okay umm... I'll be in the spare room-" you were cut off by Kokushibo. "Your apartment burning down isn't a good excuse as to why you haven't been going to school." you froze.

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