My Injury Runs Deep (Sonic BoomXMulti Man)

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The battle with Dr. Mange and his clone sons was a long and hard one for the Shockwave Squad and the Impossibles who had come to help were even having some trouble. But they finally won the battle.

...Unfortunately, Multi Man took the worst of the fight. He was barely conscious when Sonic Boom found him at the end. She had tried to stay close to him during the fighting, but they had gotten separated and she couldn't find him for some time.

"HELP!", she cried out to the others. Mike and Sam were the first to arrive, followed by Fluid Man, Coil Man, and Samantha.

By now Multi Man was unconscious, and Sonic Boom was holding his head in her lap, sobbing. She felt it was her fault as always when it wasn't.

Multi Man was now in med bay at the Squad's HQ. Skye had never left his side. She even spent the next two nights in med bay. He hadn't awoken. Dr. Mange had injected him with some recent serum and Sam was doing his best to get it out of Multi Man's system.

Sam was nearly done when he looked up and saw Skye across from him.

"You need to sleep, Skye. Go to bed. I'll watch over him tonight."

"No.", she said weakly, she hadn't gotten much sleep. It was a good thing she was able to stay awake all night, but it still wasn't good for her.


"I said no!", she snapped at him, before looking back down at Multi Man, "This is all my fault."

"No it wasn't.", Sam said, checking Multi's vitals once again.

Later that night, Sam saw that she wasn't going to sleep, so he figured he'd get her a blanket and a pillow.

After he left for that moment, Skye laid her head on Multi's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. At least he was stable.

Tears streamed once again down her face as she whispered, "It should have been me."


Skye felt a hand stroking her hair before she could raise up to look. Muti Man had spoken softly but weakly. He continued to speak in this way.

"Better to happen to me than to you, Skye."


"Shh...", he said and smiled, "Don't cry. I'll be alright. I promise."

Skye tried to smile this time, but it was a weak one. She rested her head once again on his chest and let him stroke her hair.

"I was afraid to sleep. I don't want anymore nightmares."

"Did you have nightmares of me?", he asked.

"No. Not yet anyways...", she answered ready to cry again, "But I was afraid I would have them after what happened."

Multi Man started to sing in response.

"Hush now, my baby.

Be still love, don't cry.

Now that you're safe in my arms.

Don't you worry.

You're safe with me.

I will protect you from harm."

It was a version of the River lullaby from the Prince of Egypt that Skye had made up long ago and she had sang it to Multi Man one time to show off her "song writing skills".

"Sleep.", he told her, and this time, she obeyed. And no bad dreams either as a bonus.

The next morning, Multi was back on his feet after Sam had given him an antidote to resist any of Dr. Mage's viruses. Skye continued to help him regain his strength back and even trained with him in their training room until the other Impossibles came by to take him home.

"Thank you Skye for taking care of him.", Fluid Man said.

"..." was all Sam could say right now as he was on his laptop. Coil Man noticed this.

"You too Sam.", he said. Sam nodded, "No problem, sir."

Skye hugged Multi Man, not wanting to let go, but she knew she had to.

He and the others waved goodbye and headed home.

"Hey uh...what's with the purple band aid on your cheek?", Fluid Man asked.

"Oh. Forgot to take it off. Skye had wanted to help Sam take care of me. So she put this on my cheek where I had a scratch. She even signed it like you would a cast.", he answered.

"I take it, you actually didn't forget, hmm?", Fluid Man and Coil Man exchanged knowing looks. Multi Man blushed and looked away. They were right after all. He wanted to keep it. Maybe make a hero album and put it in there by the picture Sam took of them in med bay posing for the camera that day.

Wait. Skye had that photo with her. He would just have to ask her for it the next time they saw each other again.

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