Bloopers: Battle of the Bands

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BLOOPERS: The Impossibles-Battle of the Bands-Rock and Roll

SONG: The Boys/Girls of Rock and Roll (Alvin and the Chipmunks)

Impossibles (c) Hanna Barbera

Sirens (c) CrystalGemGirl18

Blooper 1: Water Witch cuts her line short.

Fluid Man: Flo! What are you doing here?

Water Witch: Entering the Battle of the Bands. ............................

Director: *AHEM*

Water Witch: Oh! Is that what you guys are doing here?

Fluid Man: *Laughs* We need to do that one again. Her face was priceless.

Blooper 2: Sonic Boom screws up her line.

Multi Man: Yeah, but you're playing the same song we are.

Sonic Boom: Are you sure it's not US who are...messing up our lines? *Laughs* Sorry! It sounded better in my head.

Blooper 3: Fluid Man is ticklish.

Water Witch: Sounds like you wanna challenge us. *Smirks and tiptoes her fingers up Fluid Man's sleeve*

Fluid Man: *Laughs* That tickles! Stop!

Water Witch: *Tickles his arm more while giggling too*

Blooper 4: Sonic Boom FALLS for Multi Man.

Multi Man: That sounds like fun. *Multi duplicate pops up behind Sonic Boom*

Sonic Boom: GAH! *Trips backwards and falls*

Multi Dupe: Sorry!

Sonic Boom: *Thumbs up from laying on the ground* It's ok!

Blooper 5: Coil Man's Guitar

Flexi Girl: You wanna go guys?

Coil Man: Bring it on! *Strikes a chord but his strings break* Oops!

Sonic Boom: Now that was a POWER chord. A bit too much power though. *Laughs*

Water Witch: You and your puns...*Shakes head*

Blooper 6: Crashing and Banging on the Drums

Sonic Boom: *Trips again and crashes into her drumset* AGGGGHHH! *2 seconds later, she sticks her hands up and manages a rim shot "Buh duh ching" on the drums while everyone laughs*

Blooper 7: Sonic Boom's Snare sneeze

Sonic Boom: *Goes off beat after a sneeze during the song* Sorry!

Blooper 8: Water Witch misses a dance step

Water Witch: *Trips and falls onto Fluid Man who blushes* Sorry!

Fluid Man: I don't mind. You should do it again. *Winks*

Blooper 9: Fluid Man bows but his hair flops

Fluid Man: *Bowing after the song, but his hair messes up in his face* I need more gel please!

Blooper 10: Announcer forgets his lines

Announcer: Shoot...I forgot my reading card to read my lines! ...!!! Are we still rolling!!!?? Oh!

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