Fun With Music Parody (Part 4)

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(PART 4)

Meister: Now for a lesson in popular musical style. Let's give it up for Radio from Brave Little Toaster!

Radio: *Bows as ppl clap and he talks in the accent of Ludvig von Drake for fun*

Hello 'dere! So I was told you all wanted to know about popular music! Well, I am 'de one for 'de job! So let's begin!

Now, popular music as we know it started about 100 years ago. *Music starts* Back 'den, people would go to the theater to hear the latest hit tunes. *Screen shows video*

Song: Strolling Through the Park (Nifty Nineties)

Fluid Man: *Dressed up and walking through a park*

Multi and Coil:
While strolling through the park one day.
In the merry month of May.
He was taken by surprise.
By a pair of roguish eyes.

(Flo passes him by and winks)

In a moment his poor heart was stole away.

Fluid Man: *Heart beating as Flo smiles*

Coil Man: A smile was all she gave to him.

Fluid Man: *Fumbles up to her and bows after catching her glove*

Coil Man: Of course they were as happy as could be.

Flo: *Giggles*

Multi and Coil:
He immediately raised his hat.
And finally she remarked.

Flo: Thank you! *Takes her glove back and kisses him*

Multi and Coil:
They never will forget that lovely afternoon,
He met her at the fountain in the park.

Radio: Now with the invention of the microphone, music styles changed. Peoples in the 1930s listened to the radio, and heard a style of singing called "Crooning"!

Song: I'm Blue For You

Multi Man: *Dancing and looks sad as he holds the mic and girls swoon at his singing about Wendy's break up with him*

I'm blue for you.
What can I do?

You found someone new.
You said we were through.
And that's why I'm blue for you.

Right from the start you played a part.
I wasn't smart, you broke my heart.
You upset my applecart.

Girls: *Swoon*

Now we're far apart...sweetheart.

Laa-da-da-dee-dee. (*Swooning girls*)
Laa-da-da-dee-dee. (*Swooning girls*)

When you said adieu,
You left without a clue.
And that's why I'm blue...for you.

(*Swooning and fainting girls*)

Autumn: *Hugs him, cheering him up*

Radio: Next, we gonna learn about rock and roll. It started as rhythm and blues. So I'm gonna sing you the blues...or rather the GREENS. The Green with Envy Blues. *Reads music sheet* Alright. Hit a note.

Meister: *Hits a note on piano*

Radio: *Off key* Deeeeey! Oops! Ha! I was reading a fly speck! GET OFF 'DERE, YOU KOOKY FLY, YOU! Alright!

Song: Green with Envy Blues (Adventures in Color)

Meister: *Short intro*

Radio: ...?? 'Dat's the whole introduction? And you're supposed to do it in the right key too! *Sings as Remix plays a guitar*

(A/N: Whenever he sings a color, the spotlights change to that color, or imagine the Impossibles and Sirens showing their outfit colors and showing the correct emotion in the song.)

Meister: *Plays piano, slightly annoyed by Radio criticizing him*

I-I-I-I-I'm BLUE as I can be!
GREEN with with jealousy!
Look what you've duh-uh-uhn to me.

I've got those GREENS, with envy BLUES!
I mean those RED, with anger BLUES!
And there's the PURPLE with passion BLUES!

O-o-over y-o-o-u!


ORANGE! You're gonna squeeze me! (With the seeds.)
'Neath the mellow YELLOW moon!
So I can lose those GREEN with envy, RED with anger, PURPLE passionate BLUES.

OH! OH-OH-O-O-OH! UGH! *Chokes and clears throat* Hoo! I gotta get some'ting for 'dat!

PURPLE with passion BLUES!
O-o-over y-o-o-u!

ORANGE! You're gonna squeeze me!
'Neath the mellow YELLOW moon!
So I can lose those GREEN with envy, RED with anger, PURPLE passionate BLUES.
And that's the GREEN with envy BLUUUUUUUUES!

Remix: *Smashes the guitar*

Meister: ....!!!!!!??? *Glares at Remix and silently scolds him*

Radio: Did you hear 'dat note!? Ha! Ha! It came out "BlOOOOs"! Heh!

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