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Gar's panicky voice stirred Arwen awake. None of them got any good sleep and crashed in the living space. "He's still not answering?" Lily asked as she sat on the marble counter. Gar shook his head before he left the room to change. "Where are you going?" Lily asked tilting her head as she watched him make his way towards the elevator. "I'm gonna go look for him. You guys stay here and see if Dick calls back." He said, clearly stressed as he disappeared behind the elevator doors.

"Coffee?" Jason asked offering Arwen the mug which she took. "He thinks it's his fault." Lily mumbled as Arwen joined her on top of the counter. "Who? Gar?" She asked after taking a sip. Lily nodded as she quickly sent a text to who Arwen guessed was Grayson. "How about we all go do something to distract ourselves?" Arwen said with a small exhale and a smile. "That sounds better than staying cooped up in here." Jason shrugged. "I mean I guess...I'll keep an eye out for phone calls." Lily sighed as they departed to change clothes.


It had been some hours since the three left the tower. The sun was about to start setting and still no word from Gar or Dick. "I think we should head back...I got a bad feeling." Lily admitted, breaking a silence that fell over them as they sat at a table at the outdoor coffee spot. "I'm sure it's nothing. Shake it off. Enjoy not being cooped up in that hell hole." Jason said taking a sip of the drink he had gotten. "I can't just 'shake it off'. I'm telling you somethings not right." Lily pressed, fidgeting with her hands. "Ok ok. We'll go back. I'm sure everything is fine. Let's hope Gar is back with Conner and they're both in one piece." Arwen smiled putting her hand on top of Lily's, giving them a soft squeeze of reassurance.


The elevator doors opened and a gust of wind hit their faces. The room was chilly and shards of glass broke under their feet. "No..." Lily whispered as tears swelled in her eyes threatening to spill. Lily ran to the kitchen and fell to the ground, hand grazing over the bloody handprint on the wall. Arwen knelt down to comfort her friend as Jason stepped away to examine the window.

"I'm sor-"

"No! This is your fault! If you didn't suggest to leave this wouldn't have fucking happened! Gar could be dead! God only knows where the hell he is!" Lily shouted, standing up and raising her voice with each sentence.

"I'm sure the blood isn't-"

"I don't want to hear what you think." Lily hissed walking past Arwen, shoulders colliding, as she went to her room.

Arwen looked down in defeat, a single tear falling down her cheek that she quickly wiped away with her hand. "It's ok." Jason spoke from behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "It's not. She's pissed off. Gar's missing. I don't know who's blood that is. I suggested we leave. If I didn't then we could've stopped this from happening." Her voice broke as more tears fell, turning to face Jason. "I'm sure she'll come around. We'll find him." He reassured, wiping her tears away as the elevator dinged and opened.

"Donna?" Arwen and Jason said in unison with confusion, quickly pulling apart. "What the hell happened?" She asked walking in and looking around. "We don't know." Jason shrugged.

"Where's Dick?"

"We don't know that either. He left shortly after you guys did and we haven't heard from him since. We've tried calling and texting but nothing." Arwen said with a sniffle. "Yea same." She mumbled looking down at the bloody paw prints. Donnas phone ringing broke her from her thoughts, "Hello? Rachel? I've been looking everywhere for yo- Hello? Rachel? Rach?" She sighed redialing the number but soon hung up. "Whats wrong?" Arwen asked. "I don't know. It was all static. All I could make out was Elkos Diner." She said putting her phone in her pocket.

Running for the cold {Jason Todd/Titans}Where stories live. Discover now