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"Jesus Christ!" Lily yelled as the car came to a sudden halt. "Deathstroke! Get down!" Dawn shouted as everyone ducked down in the car while bullets clanged on the metal. "I got this." Kory muttered opening the car door. "Kory don't!" Arwen yelled right as a shot grazed Korys flesh, letting out a yelp of pain as she sat back down. A loud thump came from the roof of the car, shaking it slightly. "The hell is that?" Jason wondered aloud as the figure dove out in front of them, fighting off Deathstroke.

"Dick?" Rachel said furrowing her brows as they recognized his features. He wasn't in his normal Robin attire, this was different. "Who's hit?" He asked facing them. "Kory." Rachel answered. "You take care of her. I'll take care of him."

The group watched the fight in both confusion and amazement while Rachel healed Kory's wound. Soon Rose appeared and fought alongside Dick. "No!" Dick yelled out as Rose stabbed Deathstroke, soon falling to the ground. "Finally." Lily exhaled in slight relief as he was now no longer a threat.


"Oh boy..." Arwen mumbled as they all approached Conner. "So what's the plan?" Dawn asked. "Hey Conner!" Kory shouted making him stop and stare at them. "'Hey Conner'? That's your plan?" Donna asked worriedly. "You deal with him we'll help Rachel with Gar." Lily said taking Arwen's wrist and running in the direction Gar laid.

"Ok Gar that was not cool." Rachel gulped as she stood back. "What happened?" Lily asked catching her breath. "He swatted at me like he doesn't know me." Rachel sighed as Gar let out a low growl. "He's in there..." Lily said looking down at the green tiger. "Ok um...maybe try telling him stuff that he's done for us, yea? Maybe that'll work." Arwen suggested kneeling down beside Gar who huffed. "Rachel you first." Lily nodded sitting on the other side of Gar. "Ok uh..Gar..do you remember back at Angela's house..when my father, Trigon, was turning everyone dark? You were the only one he couldn't change. Then you snapped me out of it and reminded me of who I really was." Rachel said with a slight sniff as his green eyes stared back at her.

"How about all the times I played video games with you? You'd always beat me but there was one time you went easy on me so I could win." Lily slightly laughed at the memory, hesitantly putting her hand on the top of his head and petting him slightly. "Or when I taught you how to cook breakfast one day." Arwen smiled as he turned to her. "I'm gonna touch your paw now..your hand..and show you who you really are even if you don't know." Rachel sighed placing her hand over the large green paw.

"Gar!" Lily cheered as he turned back into himself. "You guys...saved me." He said with a slight chuckled, taking the large wooly sweater Rachel handed him and wrapped himself with it before hugging Lily. "You guys stay here, we'll go help everyone with Conner." Rachel said running off with Arwen.

"Rachel, Arwen! now!" Dick ordered as they arrived, Conner struggling to break free from the golden rope that held his arms down. Rachel held her hands out, eyes glowing red and black clouds wrapping around Conner while Arwen held her hand out shooting ice to hold down his legs. "How much longer?" Donna grunted struggling to keep ahold of Conner after a minute of Dick being engulfed in Rachel's black clouds. "I don't know but he needs to hurry!" She said.

Soon Dick came back and Conner relaxed. "Conner?" He called out to make sure it had worked. "Please, let me go. So I can end this." Conner pleaded. Grayson nodded towards the three to stop holding him, as they did Conner kicked his legs out to break from the ice, "Sorry about that." Arwen muttered with a slight smile. "It's ok. Thank you." He said to Dick before marching off toward the black van.

After taking down the "leader" of CADMUS the group walked back towards the center of the carnival, gazing upon the destruction. "I did this. Not me but...I'm sorry." Conner sighed turning to them. "It's not your fault. You were being controlled." Lily said walking to them with Gar. "Did anyone ever tell you that you could really pack a punch?" Donna joked earning a smile from Conner to lighten the mood. "Thank you, Titans!" A woman shouted as everyone began applauding and coming out from hiding.

"They're cheering for us." Rachel chuckled. "Robin saved the day, again." Jason smirked. "Oh please." Hank scoffed playfully while Dawn retrieved a doll for a young girl. The sound of electricity crackling hushed the crowed as the tower of a ride threatened to collapse. "Back! Everyone get back!" Dawn shouted shooing people away. "Dawn!" Hank shouted as she was just barely out of the way. "Dawn watch out!" Lily called as Donna sped over and held the tower, electricity coursing through her as she let out a painful scream. "Oh god..." Arwen muttered as the tower fell to the ground and Donna's limp body falling onto it.

"No!" Rachel yelled. "Donna!" Dick shouted running over to her and holding her in his arms while the rest ran over. Arwen turned away as tears rushed down her face, Jason hugging her in comfort. "I..." Lily couldn't form a sentence as she collapsed to the ground beside Dick, a silence looming over them.


The elevator doors opened and everyone split off to change, Hank taking Donnas body somewhere. "Here." Lily mumbled handing Gar clean clothes before disappearing into the training room with Rachel. "You ok?" Jason asked, peeking into Arwens room. "I will be but it's still fresh..." she sighed wiping her face with her sleeve.


The group stood side by side as they took Donna's coffin out from the hearse. Dick handed a blonde woman Donna's lasso where she thanked him before disappearing into the jet. "Well that's that." Lily sighed as Rachel and Dick walked off to say goodbye. "So I heard you're staying." Hank said to Rose who looked up at him. "Oh uh yea." She said flashing a smile. "How are you feeling?" Kory asked Gar who nodded, "Good. I mean achy but good I guess." He said with an airy laugh.

Dick came back and told everyone that Rachel decided to go to Themyscira with Donna and the others before they watched the Jet take off. "Wait...where's Jason?" Lily asked noticing his absence just before the sound of a motorcycle speeding away was heard. Arwen let out a soft laugh and shook her head as she looked over and watched him disappear.


Bruce decided a dinner dedicated to Donna was needed and helped Dick and Arwen set it up. The table was set and everyone sat around organizing their plates as Dick cleared his throat. "Donna and I were a couple of strays. Nothing linking us other than parents who liked dressing up and fighting crime. She saw us as family. But I wasn't much interested in family then. Family's can be fucked up. I mean, look around. We've all spent our lives recovering from the damage done by our families. Donna knew something I didn't. If you throw enough strays together, you get the best kind of family. One bound not by DNA... but by a collective sense of duty and devotion to one another; and when you lose someone you love...you need this. What we have right here. What's next for us all? I don't know. It's a million dollar question." He paused, thinking for a moment while everyone looked around at each other or down at their plate.

"Anyway..." he said picking up his bottle of orange soda with a chuckle, "...to Donna Troy. Thanks for giving me a second chance at family. And thanks to you guys for taking me back in. To the Titans." He said holding out the bottle, everyone doing the same while saying "To Titans." and "Donna Troy." Before taking a swig.

A/n: And we're done!!! Jk. I might do one more little bonus chapter and then the end. I know I said whatever last chapter but that was a guess because I didn't know how I wanted to split this chapter but I just wrote it all in one part. But stay tuned for a little bonus and then we can close this book for good until next season :)

Running for the cold {Jason Todd/Titans}Where stories live. Discover now