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Arwen found herself on the couch in the lounge as she blinked awake. She lifted her head just enough to see the sun just barley rising. She plopped her head back down with a small groan. Arwen was never really one to enjoy waking up early, especially when the sun is just starting to rise. She guessed it was around 5:30 or 6:00. "You really need to learn how to think quieter." Lily yawned walking by to sit on the opposite couch. "What?" Arwen whispered keeping her eyes closed. "Your thoughts are the loudest. It woke me up." Lily whispered back getting comfortable. "Oh sorry..." Arwen mumbled. "All I hear is you being worried for bird boy." Lily said along with another yawn. Arwen just hummed in response and managed to fall back asleep.


"Shut up Dick." Lily mumbled half awake. "I didn't even say anything?" He furrowed his brows. "In your head." Lily sighed sitting up and stretching. "Right.." he sighed. "What did he think?" Gar asked with a small laugh grabbing a few mugs. "Why Arwen and I were sleeping out here and that we should be awake already." Lily rolled her eyes. "It's only..." Gar paused turning to see the clock, "8." he shrugged. "Shut up..." Arwen sighed pulling her blanket over her head. "What's her problem?" Hank asked walking past to sit at the bar. "She's not a morning person." Lily answered standing up.

"Arwen, Gar made coffee." Rachel said as he gave everyone their mugs. "Thanks." She said finally giving in to fully waking up.


Hours had gone by and no one had returned. "They said they'd be back soon what the hell?" Lily groaned pacing. "They should've taken us. I mean the more people the better right?" Gar wondered out loud. "Sure. I just hope they're ok." Arwen sighed. As if on cue they stumbled in. "You're ok!" Rachel cheered hugging Kory. "Thank god..." Arwen sighed in relief when she saw Jason. "Who the fuck is that..." Lily asked seeing Hank holding a limp man. "We don't know but he saved Jason's life so the least we can do is help him." Grayson replied wiping blood of of his head. "Saved his life?" Arwen asked looking at him then noticing Jason had disappeared. "Just a small mishap." Donna whispered following the rest who went to the medical room for the mystery man.

A little more time went by and everyone was eating in their rooms aside from the 'adults'. Arwen took a bit extra of the Chinese food and searched for Jason. She peered into the training room and saw him going at it with one of the punching bags. "Uh hey.." she mumbled walking in. "What do you want?" He asked still beating the bag. "I'm just here to see if you're hungry." She scoffed making her way towards him. "I'm not." He huffed. "Oh come on. You have to be. You spent almost a week away and I doubt you had anything..." Arwen sighed setting the food down on a small table and crossing her arms. "Listen, I appreciate it but I'm serious." He said turning towards her.

"Im serious too. You need to eat." She repeated pointing towards the food. "I will later." He rolled his eyes. "Fine. More for me then." She mumbled taking the food and walking away. "I..fine.." Jason said under his breath. Before Arwen made it to the doors he had grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Oh so now you're hungry?" She sighed looking up at him. A short silence fell amongst them as they stared at one another. "Uh...yea. Yea I'm actually starving." Jason stuttered taking his share of the food and sitting down. "Right..." Arwen whispered to herself sitting across from him.

"So what's up with that whole dude saving your life?" Arwen asked to begin a conversation. "Oh nothing. It was nothing. I Swear." He said flashing a smile. Arwen tilted her head in confusion knowing there was more to it but didn't push it further. "Uh...are you happy to be back?" Arwen asked seeing Jason raise his eyebrow in response. "Sorry stupid question. I'm not the best at small talk." She sighed finishing her food. "It's cool. And yea I am happy to be back...for the most part." He said managing a genuine small smile.


"Yea I don't know, he just seems to be acting weird." Arwen shrugged. "I haven't noticed anything." Lily said as they walked down one of the halls. "Because you don't really pay attention to much." Arwen laughed. "Fuck off." Lily chuckled with a playful eye roll.

"Fuck him and fuck all of you!" They heard from Jason's room as they walked past, the door swinging open and Rose storming out. "Rose wait!" Jason shouted after her. "What happened?" Lily asked confused. "Shut up." Jason scoffed shutting the door to his room. "Fuck you too." She mumbled flicking off the door.

"Well then..." Arwen sighed continuing down the halls, Lily following. They decided to check up on Kory who has been spending all day with the mystery man in the medical room. "What's going on?" Arwen asked seeing Rachel shielding off Kory who was entrapped in a fire ball of some sort. "And who are you?" Lily asked looking at the woman who was staring in shock. "Oh hi. Your friend needed help on how to help him. I created him." She stuttered wiping away her tears. "Who's this handsome fella?" Arwen smiled petting the dog beside her. "Krypto." The woman answered.

Soon Rachel retracted her shield to reveal Kory holding the man. "Why the hell is he naked?!" Lily gasped shielding her eyes. "Hi." Rachel said as he looked at her. "Hello." Arwen smiled with a small wave. "Let's let him rest." Kory said leading the girls out.


The sun was starting to set and still no sign of Grayson. "Don't you fucking walk away from me!" Rachel shouted following Jason out to the lounge. "What's happening?" Hank asked looking up from the magazine he was reading. "Jason drew crucifixes all over my mirror!" Rachel explained. "Jason it's ok if you're angry." Dawn tried to calm the situation down. "Bullshit. I didn't even do anything!" Jason tried to defend himself blinking away the tears that were forming. "What's all the drama about?" Donna asked walking in. "Someone drew crosses all over Rachel's mirror and she thinks Jason did it." Lily explained. "I know he did it!" She repeated. "Oh, nice idea with the bourbon bottle in my room. Ever go in there again and pull that shit I'll forget what team your on." Hank said. Jason looked at everyone helplessly and defeated.

"Why Jason?" Donna mumbled shaking her head. "The pictures?" Dawn asked. "The orange soda bottle?" Donna asked. "Look guys I don't know what happened but I didn't do that." He sniffed trying to walk away. "Hey we aren't done here!" Hank shouted. Before Jason could leave Grayson walked in. "He's here." He whispered. "Come again?" Lily asked. "DeathStroke. He's in the tower..." he said. "Uh what's with the gun." Hank asked looking at the pistol in graysons hand. "Where's Jason?" He asked seeing he was now missing.

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