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"Ok, in order to work together we need to fight and defend ourselves like a coordinated team. We need to see what each other can do. Any volunteers?" Dick said with his hands in his pockets, staring at the group as they stood in a line. They stood in a large barn to show off what they got.

"Kory? Rachel said you can create light. Heat, correct?" He said with a raised eyebrow, they had learned her name. "Honestly I'm still trying to figure it out." She sighed. "Then let's figure it out together. How exactly does it work?" He asked and she looked at the ground then back up. "I think it comes from the sun? I can absorb it's power and direct it." She explained with some hand gestures, "I'm weaker at night though...it takes me awhile to recharge." she mumbled. "How long?" Grayson asked. "A few hours? A day? I don't know." She shrugged. "Can you control it though?" Arwen asked, tilting her head a bit. "Of course." Kory answered. "Can you hit that tractor?" Grayson asked as he stepped to the side and pointed at the red machine. "Watch." She smirked as she walked forward, Gar chuckling.

Everyone watched in silence as she turned a slight orange and threw her arm forward, spirting flames at the tractor. "Shit..." Lily said in awe. "Suppose I could use a bit of practice." She shrugged catching her breath and walking back to the group. "Sick!" Gar chuckled as he high fived Kory. "You're turn Lily." Dick said with a small smile. "What can you do?" Kory asked. "I can read minds and tell how people will die...and some combat training and gymnastics." She replied with a small shrug. "Read my mind...now!" Gar smiled with his eyes closed and resting his fingers on his temples. "You're thinking about video games." Lily shrugged as he looked at her. "Which one?" He smirked. "Pac-Man?" She answered as he turned to Grayson. "She's right." He said. "Let's see your moves then." He said motioning her to come over.

She stood in front of him and they both got into position, Dick going in for a punch as Lily blocked it and ducked down as he threw another and kicking his feet from beneath him, a groan escaping his mouth a he fell onto the ground. "Have you seen enough?" Lily asked as she stood up, taking his hand to help him up as he nodded. "You next..." he whispered to Gar. "Ok! Uh...just give me a second!" He smiled as he jogged up. He stood there for a moment bouncing around and cracking his neck. "Anytime today would be good." Grayson smiled sarcastically. "It's uh..." he turned to look at the group, "it's a little weird with you all watching and all." He mumbled. "The first time I transformed..I tore through my clothes and uh.." he paused looking at the ground as everyone giggled quietly. "This is my favorite jacket." He laughed.

"Hold on.." Grayson sighed in confusion and shaking his head "you have to be naked t-" "Yea but it'll be worth it, I promise!" Gar interrupted with a smile. "Heard that before..." Kory joked. "Just turn around." He explained. Everyone did so as he ran behind a hay bale. "Better be worth it." Lily giggled as Arwen hit her arm. "If this wasn't a drill, we'd all be dead by now." Kory complained as a roar echoed through the barn, everyone turning quickly. A green tiger walked from behind the hay bale where Gar was and jumped up, sitting down. "Oh shit..." Grayson jumped moving backwards as Lily laughed.

"What do you know it was worth it!" Kory smiled as he let out another roar. "That's him?!" Grayson stuttered in fear. "Duh!" Lily and Arwen said in unison. "How?" He asked. "He got sick or something." Rachel shrugged watching as he jumped down. "The flu turned him into a tiger?" Arwen asked as he walked over to them. "Ok you can turn back now! Into Gar!" Grayson said as Rachel and Lily laughed quietly. They watched as he twitched and jumped up to his feet, the green pigment in his skin disappearing. "Ta-da!" He smiled proudly. "Gar!" Lily laughed as everyone turned their faces seeing he was naked. "Oh..." he mumbled rushing back to change.

"So have you eaten anyone before?" Grayson asked as he came back. "Eaten? No! Dude I haven't even bitten anyone before." He laughed walking back to Lily and Arwen. "It'd be a lot scarier if he wasn't green..." Kory sighed. "Or vegan. Sorry." Lily added. "Ok now Arwen." Grayson sighed stepping aside for her to show her stuff. She walked up and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. She lifted herself off the ground and opened her eyes to see everyone in shock, Lily smiling proudly. She sat crisscross in the air and flicked her hand to the ground gently as a little ice statue of a tiger formed. "Cool!" Gar exclaimed watching her. "Anything else?" Kory asked looking at her. "Of course there's more!" Lily laughed tossing up her bracelet and Arwen holding it in the air and gently bringing it to her. "Woah!" Rachel said, Arwen coming back down to the ground. "Ok so now we have sun woman, tiger boy, flying ice girl and a mind reading ninja. Definitely some potential here." Grayson sighed as Arwen returned to her place.

"Rachel, you're next." Gar said. "No. I'll hurt someone." She sighed holding her hands. "Hurting someone is kinda the idea here." Lily said looking at her. "I can hurt one of you." She explained shaking her head. "It's apart of you. You gotta stop being afraid of it." Dick said. "If something goes wrong-" "you can do this." Arwen reassured with a smile. She let out a sigh and walked in front of everyone. She stood for a moment and breathed heavily as she raised her arms and black substance escaped from her mouth. Everyone stared in confusion, shock and worry. "Rachel?" Kory said with a raised eyebrow. "Ok bring it back in." Arwen said as they continued to watch. The substance came rushing toward the group, Arwen and Kory using their powers to distort it and tumbling backwards, Rachel letting out a scream of pain.

"Rachel!" Grayson shouted as she stood up straight, "stay back!" She hissed. "I'm fine..." she sighed after a minute and turning to face everyone. "You sure?" Lily asked. "Did we hurt you?" Kory asked worriedly. "I just need a little more practice that's all..." Rachel mumbled. "So we uh...all did our thing... what's your thing man?" Gar asked breaking the tension and bringing the attention to Dick. "I can keep you alive." He said plainly. "Whatever mr. 'I've had some training'." Lily mocked with air quotes as she shook her head.

Running for the cold {Jason Todd/Titans}Where stories live. Discover now