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A couple days had passed since Kory left. "Here's the cream you asked for." Arwen said flashing a smile to Rachel and handing Angela a cream before walking out of the room. "Do you ever wonder if we will get back to Detroit?" Lily said when Arwen walked in the room they were staying in. "Sometimes. This seems fun though, and we're making friends." Arwen said sitting in the air. "I forget you can do that sometimes." Lily laughed.

"Oh!" Angela chuckled when she saw Arwen in the air. "Do you girls want something to eat?" She asked. "Sure, thanks." Lily nodded watching Angela walk away.


"Rachel, you gotta eat." Gar sighed noticing she hadn't touched her food. "Not hungry." She mumbled. Gar was about to push her farther but Lily placed her hand on his and gave him a look telling him not to. "I must've done something wrong, scrambled her brain...." Rachel thought out loud. "You didn't do anything wrong. You helped her gain some of her memory and clearly she was here to kill you and something happened to where she forgot." Arwen said trying to come up with something logical.

"Dick and Wonder Girl are gonna get Kory back. It'll be ok." Lily added with a small smile. "You guys can't stay here" Rachel sighed. "What?" The three said in unison. "Everyone I get close to...if they stay long enough they get hurt." She said, her voice shaky. "That's not true..." Gar mumbled. "Bad things happen to people around me." She repeated. "Rachel stop that's not-" Gar went to place his hand on hers when she jumped up with the blink of an eye and shouted in a deep voice, "Get off me!" Returning to her seat as if nothing happened, tears filling her eyes.

Arwen, Lily and Gar were silent and frightened. "Well...if it was awful you can say something. There wasn't much to work with in the garden." Angela sighed as she walked in the dining area and placing some flowers on the counter. "It was great." Gar sighed placing his bowl in the sink and rushing out. "It was wonderful. We'll give you both a minute." Arwen said putting her and Lily's plates in the sink and leaving.

A couple hours passed and Gar had gone off to take a nap while Rachel and Angela spent time alone leaving Lily and Arwen in their room. "This seems random but..." Lily paused and looked down. "But what?" Arwen asked sitting on the bed while Bubbles ran around and a snow owl followed. "I'm not getting good vibes. Something seems off." Lily whispered. Arwen stayed quiet.


Night fell and everyone was sound asleep until a thud was heard and there was banging on the front door. Arwen sat up and walked out to see the bathroom light on and Angela going down the steps to answer the door. "Oh my god. What's wrong?!" Arwen gasped as she saw Gar convulsing on the bathroom tile with blood flowing from his nose. "I don't know, my mom found him like this." Rachel said worriedly as she hovered over him. Arwen knelt down beside her and tried her best to figure out what's wrong.

"Mom I can't stop the bleeding! Hurry!" Rachel cried as she kept trying to slow it down. Arwen rested his head on her lap to elevate it and had Rachel hold his arms so he wouldn't hurt himself. Lily rushed in and grabbed a towel placing it under his head as the blood now came out of his mouth. "How long has he been like this?" A man asked as he came into the bathroom. "No idea. He was fine hours ago." Arwen said trying to keep his head up so he wouldn't choke on his own blood.

The man took out his phone and tried to call someone but his phone was dead. "There's a landline in the kitchen." Angela said as the man hurried down. "He's going to be ok." She sighed as the three girls sat around Gar, leaving to go downstairs. "Fucks sake we need an ambulance." Lily groaned as she kept wiping blood off. "Arwen can't you do something?" Rachel cried. "I-I don't think so." She stuttered as blood drenched her hands and pants.

"Is help coming?" Lily asked as Angela came back. "He went into town." She said kneeling down beside Rachel. "He's getting worse. You have to help him." She said resting a hand in Rachel's shoulder. "Me? No. Look what happened when I tried with Kory." Rachel sighed. "Rachel you have to do it to save him. You have your fathers gift, you can heal him." Angela explained. "Just try." Lily reassured.

Rachel places her hand on his forehead and concentrated. "No! He's dying!" Lily cried before Gar began convulsing even more than before. Rachel let out a scream, "she's right!" "Your father! He's stronger than you. He can heal Gar. He'd do that for you." Angela said. "I don't understand." Rachel whispered. "He's always been with you. We have to hurry." Angela explained rushing to the living room.

They laid Gar flat on the floor. Lily and Arwen stood on the side while Rachel and Angela kept by Gar. "You need to open your mind. Think about how badly you want to see your father." Angela explained. "I thought that he was-" "If you want to save Gar, you must do it. Concentrate." Angela interrupted. Rachel sighed and placed her hand on his forehead once again and began to focus.

The lights began to flicker and the mirror in front of them began to fill with blackness as Rachel threw her head back, her eyes turning pitch black and stood up. "That's it Rachel! Bring him home." Angela smiled as Rachel walked towards the mirror. "Wait what?" Lily raised an eyebrow. "What about Gar?" Arwen asked but got ignored. Just then, a man walked through the mirror and Rachel went back to normal. "My child..." he smiled at her.

"My love..." he smiled at Angela as she walked to him. "This was all for you." She whispered as they kissed. "Your faith has never failed me." He said once they pulled away. Rachel knelt down by Gar again and looked up. "Are you gonna save our friend or what? That was the whole point of bringing you here." Lily sassed. "Of course." He chuckled kneeling down to Gar, placing his hand over his chest.

Gar sat up gasping for air. "Thank you!" Rachel cried giving her father a tight embrace. "You're ok!" Lily laughed giving Gar a hug, Arwen following. Soon Dick walked through the door but his eyes were black. "Dick?" Arwen asked as her and Rachel walked over to him. "Please talk to me." Rachel said but he stayed silent. "What the hell did you do to him?!" Lily shouted in anger. "This was not my doing." Her father said. "I gave your friend an option. He chose his own path. The path that embraced his darkness rather than deny it. This is who he is." He explained.

"Bullshit." Lily scoffed. "Dick!" Arwen shouted snapping her fingers in his face but he didn't budge. "I released your friend from a terrible burden. I love him just as much as you." He said placing his hands on Rachel's shoulders. "And with Trigons blessing, he's part of the family." Angela cooed as she placed a hand on Graysons shoulder. "Oh Rachel... it feels so good to be home. You'll see." Grayson smirked.

"They'll all soon see."


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