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"I thought I told you two to stay inside!" The detective yelled, holding his hands out to stop the two. "She needs help!" Lily scoffed pushing him out of the way but he didn't budge. The car drove away and he sighed. "We need to go now!" Lily demanded. "How do you know what she needs?" He asked looking at her. "I got into her head..." lily sighed watching the car.

"Yea right." He rolled his eyes. "Believe me or not but I'm helping her and you won't stop me." She spat, shoving past him and running after the car, Arwen just behind and eventually Dick in his car letting the duo inside.


They pulled up to a worn down building and parked. They got out and snuck to a window, Grayson's gun in hand. "It won't open.." Arwen whispered trying to open the window. "Of course it won't silly!" Her friend laughed grabbing a brick and chucking it at the glass causing it to shatter. "What happened to being quiet?!" Arwen hissed. "I'm not trying to be here all night." The blonde smirked climbing into the building, the pair outside following in.

The officer that took the girl walked towards the window with a flashlight and gun. The trio stayed in a dark corner to stay out of sight. He put the gun down and Dick went for it, punching him in the stomach, then face to knock him out cold, pulling his now limp body to the corner. "Mr. Detective has some moves." Lily joked looking at the scummy officer on the ground.

He didn't respond just kept moving. "Rude..." she huffed under her breath following him and Arwen. "Rachel?!" He called out to see if she was near. They stopped to wait for a response. "Help!" A voice shrieked from deeper in the building. He walked faster than before towards her voice. They kept moving and watching their backs until they made it to a door.

Grayson attempted to walk in first before the door slammed in his face and went flying to the ground. "The fuck?" Lily raised an eyebrow, Arwen doing the same. They all tried to open the door hearing bangs and the man inside yelling in agony. "Rachel?!" They all shouted at times still trying to open the door.

Finally, Arwen kicked open the door and they all shuffled in to see the man face down in a pool of his own blood and the girl who's name was Rachel still tied up to a chair. She was crying and shaken up from whatever happened. Grayson rushed over to her and freed her from the chair while the girls were studying the body.

"How did... how'd this happen?" Arwen asked her, calmly walking towards them. "I don't know.." she cried looking at her then back at Dick before hugging him and begging him for help. "How is that dude dead but she was still in the chair?!" Lily whispered to Arwen who just shrugged, watching the two hug.


They left the building not speaking of what was left behind and got into the car. The ride to wherever Grayson was taking the group was silent. Arwen gazed out the window and saw the car turn into a motel. "Go get your rooms. I'll be there in a few." Dick said unlocking the car doors. They got out and headed to the reception desk asking for rooms and got their keys. Rachel was next to Arwen and Lily.

"So how do you think she did that back there?" Lily asked breaking the silence and jumping onto her bed. "No clue. She could have a power." Arwen said throwing out that theory. A soft knock came from the door and Grayson peaked in, "I'm getting pizza. Any special requests?" He asked with a small smile. "Pepperoni. No pineapples if any planned on it!" Arwen faked gagged. "Obviously no pineapple." He said, "don't let anyone in, except Rachel." He said before closing the door.

"Yes mister bossy." Lily said as the door shut. "What's on tv?" Arwen sighed, stretching before sitting on her bed. Lily flicked through the channels until they agreed on old Scooby-Doo cartoons. All was well until they heard yelling from next door.

"What's going on..." a half sleepy Lily groaned as the sound of yelling continued. "It's Rachel hurry up." Arwen said throwing a pillow at her and rushing out the room and into Rachel's to see her under a desk writing a cross over and over on a paper. "Rachel?" Arwen asked walking over to her and kneeling in front of her. Arwen and Lily did their best to calm her and walked her back to her bed with snacks. "Dick should be here soon..." Arwen said looking out the window.

The door opened and the smell of pizza filled the small room along with Grayson calling for the girls since Arwen and Lily weren't in their own. "What happened?" He asked in panic, rushing to Rachel who immediately hugged him tightly. "We just heard her yelling and rushed over here.." Arwen said watching Lily start eating a slice of pizza. "I'm sorry but I'm really hungry... continue." She smiled.


Not even a whole 24 hours later Grayson dragged everyone back to the car and asked Rachel a series of questions while Lily went back to sleep and Arwen stayed quiet not intervening with their conversation seeing it wasn't her place to do so. She zoned out while they explained their pasts and soon her name was called. "What?" She asked. "What about you? What's your story?" The pale girl asked looking at her.

"Nothing exciting... my parents kicked me to the curb when they saw what I could do and I lived my whole life on the streets and met her," she pointed to the sleeping blonde, "and the rest is history." She ended. "Well what can you do?" Rachel asked with curiosity. "I'll show you later. It's not the best idea to do it in a car." Arwen laughed causing Rachel to laugh and Dick to smile for once.

Soon he pulled into an apartment like building. Everyone got out and followed Grayson to wherever he was taking them.

A/n: slightly boring I know I'm sorry. IT WILL GET B E T T E R

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