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"So who are these people?" Arwen asked as they approached the door. "Old friends." He simply said knocking on the door. The door swung open to reveal a woman with blonde, practically white, hair with an almost shocked expression.

"Hey..." Grayson said to her while Lily and Arwen look at each other than back at the lady. "Hi I'm Rachel." She said taking the woman's hand for a handshake. "Dawn." She replied looking at Arwen. "I'm Arwen and this is Lily." She introduced with a small smile earning one from Dawn. "Can we talk?" Dick asked leaning against the wall. "You're about 4 years too late but sure." She said softly opening the door some more letting the 3 girls in.

"This place is nice!" Lily said in awe. "Don't get too comfy, we'll probably be leaving before the sun even comes up again." Arwen complained observing the home.


The sun went down and Dawn was kind enough to let the girls stay in a spare room for the night. "Hopefully we can get a good nights sleep and it won't be interrupted this time!" Arwen smiled sarcastically at Grayson who did the same. "I'm sorry I ruined your precious beauty sleep, but then again no one told you to tag along." He pointed out. "But then again you kinda forced us to." Lily retorted leaving him stumped.

"Ok get some sleep. I'll be right out here." He said pointing to the couch and closing the door.


They actually stayed another full day and it went well. Dawn took everyone shopping but when they got back Grayson and Hank, Dawns boyfriend, started fighting causing Rachel to go into a panic and let out a shriek. "Well Jesus..." Hank mumbled looking at the shattered glass now on the floor.

The sun was setting and Arwen fell asleep. Arwen woke up to no one around. "Guys?" She called out, walking out of the room to see her two friends looking at something. "Arwen look at this." Rachel said tears filling her eyes. She walked over and took the paper to read a note Dick left.

"That bastard..." she scoffed looking at the money Lily was holding. "He left this too." She said waving it around. Rachel sighed and walked away offering the pair to follow. They went to the roof and just watched the doves in the cage.

"Who does he think he is leaving us?!" Lily said in disbelief, pacing back and forth. "Well who's to say he did?" Arwen said hopeful. "It's pretty clear he plans on it at least..." Rachel spoke quietly watching the birds. "They're up here!" His familiar voice spoke walking over to them.

"Why are you guys up here? What's wrong?" He asked walking closer. "This is what's wrong." Lily said waving his letter and money in the air. "You said you weren't going to leave. You lied." Rachel said not looking his way. "What's goin' on?" Hank asked walking over. Lily handed him the letter then looked back at Grayson with anger. "Don't read th-"

"It's got my name on it." Hank said cutting off Dick and reading the letter. "You were gonna leave them here?!" Hank said getting upset. Dawn calmed him down before they started to fight again. "Guys... I was gonna come back." He said putting a hand on Rachel's shoulder. "Liar." Lily and Rachel said in unison.

"Well hello there!" A woman's cheery voice said. Everyone turned to look. "What the-" before Arwen could finish her sentence the man of the group kicked Hank to the ground and punched Dawn. "Guys come on!" Grayson shouted pulling the girls to the side. "Fuck no!" Lily shouted running towards the family.

She kicked the girl but received a hit to the ribs with a baseball bat. Arwen came up behind the son knocking him back and blocking punches from him. The daughter held Hank by the neck with rope, the father caught Dawn and held her so she couldn't move, the son caught Lily and threatened to break her arm if she moved and the mother threw Arwen to the wall causing her to lay there catching the breath that was knocked out of her lungs.

Dawn tried screaming for help but before she knew it she was thrown in the air and off the building. "No!" Lily and Hank both yelled watching her body disappear over the edge. "Night my love!" The mother smiled before hitting Lily in the back of the head and doing the same to Hank.

"Fucks sake.." Lily groaned trying her best to get up. "Arwen? Arwen!" She yelled rushing over to her friend while the two men hurried down to help Dawn. "Arwen can you hear me? Arwen please answer!" She screamed moving her friends limp body, tears threatening to spill.

Arwen's vision was blurry and her hearing was muffled. She knew someone was trying to see if she was ok but her body wasn't cooperating. She tried to move but pain took over. Then her vision went dark.


"She'll be ok." Grayson said, putting a hand on Lily's shoulder. She shoved his hand off and looked down at her friend in sadness and anger. She wasn't dead, she was breathing just fine, just sleeping it off. "She's only been out for a few hours." Grayson said again, breaking the calming silence. "I've noticed." Lily responded bluntly.

"My back hurts like a bitch..." Arwen mumbled softly, shielding her eyes from the lamp beside her. "Arwen thank god!" Lily squealed in happiness, engulfing her friend in a tight embrace. "Ow, ow, ow" Arwen winced lightly pushing her friend off. "Sorry.."

"What happened?" Arwen asked not remembering the previous event. "You hit the concrete wall pretty hard..." Dick explained looking at the few bruises that formed on Arwen's body. "Where's everyone else?" She asked seeing it was only the 3 of them.

"Uhm... Dawn is in the hospital...in a coma and Hank is with her." Lily said looking down. "And Rachel?" Arwen asked worried. The room went quiet and Arwen was confused. "They took her. We have no idea where she could be." Dick said in sadness.

"You just let them take her?" Arwen asked in disbelief. "We weren't gonna leave you here!" Lily exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "You should've! She's more important than me! Who knows what they're doing to her! She could be dead!" Arwen yelled, ripping the blanket that covered her body off and getting off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Grayson asked grabbing her arm to stop her. "To save Rachel!" She huffed, pulling her arm out of his grasp and storming out of the small apartment.

A/n: they do be saving Rachel a million times-

Running for the cold {Jason Todd/Titans}Where stories live. Discover now