PART 2 🏳️‍🌈📗

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Ashley stayed in the toliets until lunchtime . She walked to lunch still crying. 'Oh look the fag is back' yelled Vickie as Ashley walked past her table , Ashley ignored them as she sat down on her own with her tray of food . Then Ashley saw a girl walking  into the canteen , she was the most beautiful girl Ashley had ever seen ..the girl had long red hair and the most perfect hourglass body you could ever see . Ashley was so flabbergasted that she dropped her food , 'oh look the ugly fag dropped her food on the floor' Tina said with a chuckle as she walked towards Ashley 'let me help you..' said Tina. Then Tina spat on Ashley's food , 'your a piece of shit ...' said Tina , she then walked back to her friend group and they all laughed hysterically . Ashley ignored them again trying to hold back her tears , then she saw the girl again , the girl noticed that Ashley was crying and came over to her 'hey are you ok?' Said the girl , 'yeah I'm fine' replied Ashley holding in her excitement as she came to the realisation she was talking to THE GIRL . 'I'm Valentina' said the girl , 'oh I'm Ashley' Ashley replied still trying to contain ur excitement , 'I like your hair' said Ashley as she  nervously twiddled her thumbs . 'Oh thank you' replied Valentina. Then the bell rang 'oh ..I geuss it's time to go to class' said Valentina , 'yeah, what lesson do u have next ?' Replied Ashley and they slowly walked forward together, 'oh I think I have art and design' said Valentina 'oh I have psychology in building 2' replied Ashley ... 'okay well I geuss I'll see you tomorrow then ..if you want to sit with me' said Valentina . Ashley couldn't Believe that she was invited to sit with the most beautiful girl ever . 'Yeah sure I'll sit with you' replied Ashley. 'Okay cool see you tomorrow' said Valentina as she started to walk into the building 1 for her art lesson, 'bye!' Shouted Ashley.
Full with excitement Ashley quickly ran to psychology .

Valentina Where stories live. Discover now