PART 5 📖🏳️‍🌈

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Ashley woke up at 8:00 bright and early with her poster to take into school for the protest , As she was walking to school Ashley spotted Valentina walking too school aswell so she decided to catch up with her 'hey Valentina! Wait up' yelled Ashley running towards her , 'oh hey bought the poster..' replied Valentina looking down at Ashley's poster .. 'well yeah..did u bring one ?' Said Ashley as her and Valentina walked side by side 'yeah mines in my bag ..' replied Valentina, 'oh cool' said Ashley as she went to put her headphones in her pocket 'oh hey ! What were you listening to ?' Said Valentina 'oh nothing..' replied Ashley worried that Valentina would make fun of her for listening to nirvana 'come on ..I wanna know if you have good music taste..' Valentina said as she chuckled and snatched Ashley's headphones, Valentina put the headphones in and looked surprised 'what?' Replied Ashley 'nothing it's just I didn't see you as a nirvana girl ..' said Valentina as she took out the headphones and gave them back to Ashley '..I mean I grew up with a lot of that sort of music because my dad used to listen to it around me when I was younger' Replied Ashley 'your dads cool , I love nirvana' said Valentina , Ashley was so surprised that they had the same taste in music 'yeah dads pretty cool I geuss' replied Ashley as she put her headphones in her pocket 'are you and your dad close?' Said Valentina 'yeah..we were until he had to leave because my mum is a bitch' replied Ashley as her and Valentina waited at traffic lights 'oh I'm so sorry..' said Valentina 'it's okay' Replied Ashley .

Ashley and Valentina crossed the road and arrived at the school gates 'what's your first lesson?' Asked Ashley 'um..I think i have maths..' replied Valentina 'oh that sucks cuz I'm all the way over on the top floor building 3 for English' said Ashley 'I geuss I'll see you at break then .. for the protest?' Replied Valentina 'yeah ..I'll see you then ..shall we meet on the feild..' said Ashley as she started to walk in the other direction.. 'yeah ok see you later' Replied Valentina. Ashley and Valentina both went to lesson and then met on the feild at break 'hey you came' said Valentina 'why wouldn't I ?' Replied Ashley. Valentina pulled out a big poster from her bag 'we are really going to do this ?' Said Ashley having second thoughts 'hell yeah fuck everyone else !' Replied Valentina as she grabbed Ashley's arm and ran with her to the edge of the feild , Ashley giggled and held up her poster .

Then Tina and her friends came over followed by a load of other random people from the school 'you guys are pathetic' said Tina as she looked Ashley up and down 'so you guys are like ...lesbian together?' Said Vickie stepping closer to Valentina 'ew they are lesbos' said Tina . Tina pulled the poster out of Ashley's hands and Tore it in half 'you guys are so immature..' said Valentina rolling her eyes 'is immature..? Why don't you two be normal' Replied Tina as she pulled out a lighter 'oh and what are you gonna do with that..' said Valentina .

Tina snatched Valentinas poster and threw it on the ground she then sparked up the lighter and the poster went up in flames , Ashley and Valentina stepped backwards as Tina and her friends laughed suddenly the fire spread around the feild , Ashley and Valentina ran to the pavement , Tina walked past Ashley and Valentina with a sly look on her face 'I can't believe you set fire to the feild..soon the whole school will go up in flames and it will be all your fault' said Tina 'we didn't do it you motherfucker !' Yelled Valentina stepping towards Tina , the fire spread to the buildings and the fire alarm went off 'oh Valentina what have you done' Replied Tina as she chuckled .

Suddenly every member of the school started running out of the building screaming as the fire spread even more . Then the fibre grade came while the teachers were trying to count all the students, Luckily the fireman put out the fire and nobody was harmed .

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