PART 4 🏳️‍🌈📖

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When Ashley got home from school she had a call from a unknown number Ashley had a idea who it may of been ,..Ashley quickly got herself together and answered the phone , 'hello?' Said Ashley as she nervously brushed her hair in the mirror , 'hey is this Ashley?' Said the voice that sounded like Valentina .. 'uh— yeah it's me , I mean me , Ashley ..who is this ?' Replied Ashley, 'it's Valentina ! The girl from school..The crazy raging bisexual' Valentina said as she giggled, Ashley laughed and sat down on her sofa 'oh yeah hey Valentina..' replied Ashley , there was an awkward silence for a bit so ..trying to make conversation Ashley asked Valentina if she wanted to plan a protest .. 'oh yeah, I start a protest we need a lot of people ...I know it was my idea but now I think of it ..I don't think we will be able to go through with it just us two' replied Valentina, Ashley could sense that Valentina wasn't very happy by the tone of her voice , 'hey don't think like that ...we can get people ...' replied Ashley  trying Perk Valentina up , 'how are we gonna get people....we can't just get people' replied Valentina , suddenly a rush of anger came over Ashley , Ashley wanted to stand up for herself and let everyone see that it doesn't matter who you love .. 'YOU KNOW WHAT ..WE DONT NEED PEOPLE ...LETS DO A PROTEST JUST ME AND YOU !' said Ashley and she got up off her sofa .. 'you know what your right ! Let's make banners right now !' Replied Valentina, Ashley walked to her desk and got out some pens and paper , Ashley and Valentina spent all night planning a protest and making banners when all of a sudden Ashley's mum walked in her room 'WHAT ARE U DOING UP SO LATE ?' Her mum said as she looked around Ashley's room 'nothing' Ashley replied, 'I could hear you talking on the phone ..who are you talking too ?' Replied Ashley's mum .. 'Nobody...' Ashley replied as she hid her phone behind her back 'don't lie too me I heard you talking to someone!' Said Ashley's mum , Ashley knew that she would be in big trouble if she told her mum what she was planning ... 'I was talking to my friend....Valentina' replied Ashley with fear as she clutched her phone in her hand , 'friend ? I didn't know you had friends' said Ashley's mum , Feeling uneasy Ashley moved backwards away from her mum 'what is this crap?' Ashley's mum said as she spotted Ashley's poster , the poster had a rainbow flag on with 'lGBTQ+ RIGHTS !' Written across it 'uh- nothing' Ashley replied trying hard to think of a reason to why she was making a banner  'what does that say ...l g b t q   Rights ....' Ashley's mum said picking up the poster .. 'oh uh- it's nothing' said Ashley as she nervously took the poster off her mum 'you better not be one of them ...u know those lesbos' Ashley's mum said giving Ashley a dirty look .
Ashley was so angry but knew that if she retaliated she would be in big trouble.. , she remembered all the times her mum had hurt her and she didn't want to risk it 'no I'm not ...' replied Ashley .. 'if you are you can get out of my house !' Shouted Ashley's mum throwing Ashley's poster across the room 'no I swear I'm not!' Replied Ashley trying yet again to hold back her tears . Ashley's mum slammed Ashley's door and walked down the stairs, 'Ashley...are you there?' Said Valentina from down the phone , Ashley completely forgot she was on the phone to Valentina 'uh Im fine' replied Ashley wiping her tears off her face 'god your mum is a bitch' said Valentina 'yeah I told you she's not very supportive, I'm so sorry I should of hung up but I completely forgot' replied Ashley 'don't be sorry , it's okay , your mum is part of the 94 percent of people who don't support the lgbtq community and those are the type of people we need to get rid of in this world' said Valentina 'we can't just 'get rid of them' we have to try persuade them , that's why we are doing the protest..right ?' Replied Ashley as she walked over to get her poster 'you still wanna do it ?' Said Valentina with surprise 'yeah OFCOURSE!' replied Ashley.

Ashley and Valentina hung up and went to sleep as it was getting late .

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