PART 6 📖🏳️‍🌈

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A week later every student in school was questioned about the incident that happened that day... and it was Ashley's turn for questioning ...... 'so..Ashley were were you on the day of the fire?' Asked the policeman , Ashley knew exactly what happened that day so she told the policeman everything , 'me and Valentina were on the feild at break..' said Ashley 'why were you on the feild' Replied the policeman... 'well we were going to do a March' said Ashley as she looked down at the floor with embarrassment 'a March for what , Ashley..?' Replied the policeman picking up his pen 'well we were going to do a pride March..' said Ashley 'a pride March..just the two of you...' replied the policeman in disbelief 'well we were going to get more people but we couldn't so me and Valentina did it anyways for fun I geuss..' said Ashley 'ah I see .. also your mentioning the name Valentina a lot so I'm going to need to take her in for questioning too .. ok ?' Replied the policeman 'ok ..' said Ashley 'so .. did you witness anyone with a lighter..or maybe a cigarette or something that could've started a fire ?' Asked the policeman , Ashley knew exactly who did it so she told the policeman 'it was Tina' exclaimed Ashley 'Tina ? And do you have any proof of this?' Replied the policeman 'she always a mean cow-' said Ashley realising she had swore 'uh- sorry' said Ashley 'it's okay please proceed..'replied the policeman  'well she's always mean to me , and she yells slurs at me and homophobic comments even though I haven't come out yet ..but anyways when me and Valentina were about to do our March Tina came over saying horrible things to us and she tore my poster in half and set fire to Valentina's one then ..obviously the fire spread..' exclaimed Ashley , the policeman wrote it down in his notepad 'I had a word with Tina already ... Tina may ?' Replied the policeman 'yes that's her..' said Ashley 'well ..Tina told me that you did it' replied the policeman ' that bitch !' Said Ashley 'uh- calm down Ashley.. I'll bring Valentina in for questioning and if your story's don't match up ..unfortunately your a suspect' Replied the policeman as he stood up and walked to the door 'well I know exactly what happened..' said Ashley 'okay well wait outside while I speak to Valentina' replied the policeman as Valentina walked in . Ashley sat in the haul waiting.

Valentina sat down for questioning 'hello Valentina I'm here to ask you some questions about what happened on the day of the fire' said the policeman 'okay' replied Valentina 'so where were you on the day of the fire at about  11:10..?' Said the policeman 'I was on the feild' Replied Valentina 'we're you by any chance doing a pride March with someone called Ashley' said the policeman 'yes I was ..' replied Valentina 'I see and did you witness Tina May set the feild on fire ?' asked the policeman 'yes I did' replied Valentina 'okay that will be all ..thank you for your time Valentina' said the policeman .

Valentina left the room and sat in the haul 'okay can I have Ashley please..' said the policeman , Ashley walked into the room and sat down 'okay I'm going to get my assistant to collect Tina May' said the policeman picking up his radio 'okay' replied Ashley , 'hello can you please collect Tina May.?' asked the policeman down the phone to his assistant  . 5 minutes later A police officer came into the room with Tina then walked out  'hello Tina please take a seat' said the policeman 'so we have some accusations from both of you and either one of you is lying or you did this together so what one is it?' Said the policeman 'I can't believe you .. you know who did it ..don't you Tina' said Ashley to Tina 'yeah it was you' replied Tina 'girls we are not going to sit here and argue like primary school children..with the you did , no you did .. we are going to get to the bottom of this ! Do you understand!?' Said the policeman as he stood up from his seat 'right ! So Tina ... tell me again we're you were on the day  of the fire ...' said the policeman 'I was inside building 2 with a couple of my friends' replied Tina  'BULSHIT!' Yelled Ashley 'language!' Said the policeman ... 'sorry officer ..' replied Ashley 'okay so you say you were inside so how did you witness Ashley start the fire ?' Asked the policeman 'out the window.' Replied Tina  'your such a liar' said Ashley 'okay but earlier you said you were on the bench outside!' Said the policeman 'uh - no I meant inside' replied Tina panicking 'you better get your story's straight! Miss May !' yelled the policeman 'did you or did you not start the fire on the feild!!??'shouted the policeman 'no!'replied Tina 'liar!' Said Ashley 'Tina ! Tell the truth because your forgetting that we have security cameras here in school' yelled the policeman 'I didn't do it !' Shouted Tina 'ugh just admit it ..there gonna find out sooner or later ..' said Ashley 'okay I'm now going to bring in Valentina' said the policeman , Valentina came in and sat down in a seat next to Ashley 'okay Valentina you claim you saw Tina set your poster on fire ..?' Said the policeman 'yes I did and I have proof' said Valentina as she pulled out her phone from her pocket , 'I hope that your phone is necessary for this investigation..' replied the policeman 'oh it is ...' said Valentina smirking at Tina .

Valentina pressed play on a voice clip on her phone , the voice clip was of the whole incident, 'how did you get that!!' Said Tina panicking .. 'I had my phone recording because I was trying to prove something for our March ...luckily I've got good proof now or you would've got what you wanted , you wanted us fags to take the rack for your actions but you didn't think it through..did you' said Valentina smirking and Tina 'we will need to now check the cctv to back up your point so please wait outside..all of you' . Everyone walked out the room and waited in the haul , Valentina started recording and put her phone in her pocket.. ' I can't believe you rated me out' said Tina 'see you know you did it ..' said Ashley 'well you fags need to be stopped' replied Tina 'at fags arent going to get suspended for setting the feild on fire ..' said Valentina as she giggled 'can I have Tina please ..?' Said the policeman and he opened the door  'Tina you are now a suspect and you will be suspended  for 5 months!'said the policeman as he picked up his radio 'can you please come and collect Tina May from this office closed' said the policeman down his radio. The school got sent home early so Ashley and Valentina went to the park together.

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