"And where have you been"

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⚠TW-light mentions of undereating, tics/Tourettes/ tic attacks, suicidal and depressed thoughts if these are sensitive topics for you I would recommend skipping this chapter, although it will possibly have a large impact on the future of this fanfiction!⚠

After a dinner of three microwaveable chicken nuggets each, the two laid down in their shared bed.

"Kacchan, can we hug?" Izuku asked quietly.

"Why do you want a hug we are going to sleep." Katsuki wined.


                                   But alas he couldn't.

He wriggled and veered in the bed until he decided he just couldn't.

                                           °Yorokobi Pov°

I couldn't sleep. So I decided to go get some fresh air. My chest kinda hurt but that's okay...right?

So I walked up to the off-limits rooftop of the apartment complex.

So I sat up there. The cold breeze hit my face. It was magical.

I looked at the night sky. The beautiful stars were the only source of light close. All the street lights had been broken for years. This left the natural glow of the ting space diamonds illuminated the night sky.

I could just sit back and breathe. For once I felt odd...relaxed?Ya, relaxed.

My feet dangled off the edge. Wow..I..could fall.

                                Or..just...jump off?

Wait..why am I thinking that I'd die. But...that oddly doesn't seem too bad.

I swung my feet playfully, probably because I have the mindset of a depressed four-year-old.

                                  °no longer his pov°

"Hey kid you good?" A deep voice asks from behind him.

He looked behind him to see Erasure head and Hawks.

                "Hey kiddo, you good?" Hawks asked.

"You've been staring down there for a while." Erasure added.

"U-oh sorry I know I'm not supposed to be up here I'll go."

"But are you okay?" Aizawa rembraced Hawks's words.

                                       "I-uh..I'm fi-ne."

But...he didn't believe his own words. He was being truthful...right?

                      Then..why did it feel so wrong?

   His hands began to move...but...he couldn't stop.

⚠Warning the following paragraphs will contain a description of both a tic attack and panic attack along with a coughing spell, if this isn't your thing wait till the warning end where you'll see text between these emojis👍👍⚠

He began to violently hit his head with his inner wrists.

He banged harder and harder until he eventually began to bleed.

                             But he didn't stop there.

By the time Shouta and Keigo were able to restrain his hands, there was thick red blood dripping down. His breathing was heavy and breaky. He was shaking.

They managed to calm him down for the most part. He was violently coughing afterward but it didn't last long.

                          👍all good everybody!👍

With tired eyes, Izuku looked up at Aizawa, who had pulled him into a comforting hug. Hawks stroked his back from behind.

"I'll ask again are you, okay kid?" Aizawa asked again.

"I d-don't know but I have to go Ka-I mean my parents will get worried!"

                         "And where have you been?"

(Word count 485)

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