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“he hasn't called once. and i... i don't know what-what to do. i've ca-called him but he never picks... picks up. i don't know what to do." harry sobbed into zayn's embrace. “i don't even know if he's alright or not!"

zayn was currently running his fingers through harry's greasy hair, he hasn't showered in four days. harry was too emotionally unstable to even take care of hygiene. or anything for that matter. he didn't even know what day it was. just knows that it's been a total week since louis left for germany.

a week ago, louis had been stressed out because of the work load he was given by his arse of a boss. he was told that if he does the work right, promotion is promised. and of course, louis didn't let the chance go. he had been working nonstop for the past five to six days, preparing for the meeting sessions that were to be held in germany. the constant work had his brain drained completely by night when he would eat up a bit of dinner before heading straight to bed, leaving harry to his own like he was the whole day.

yes, harry did understand the situation. and he was willing to give louis space if he needed it because, after all, he was doing this for them. but that didn't mean louis had to cranky twenty four-seven. that lead to a fight one night, the night being the night before the flight to germany. and a big fight, it was. both said things that shouldn't have been said, but mostly by the blue eyed boy.

when harry woke up the next day, he found an empty bed with a note. 'gone to germany. don't know when i'll be back. l.'

that was it. no explanation, no apology, no 'i'll call you when i land' or shit like that. not even a kiss. or 'i love you'. it stung harry's heart because it wasn't the first time louis had gone like this. with or without an argument, he always lets harry know that he loves him. no matter what. and now it's been a whole week of harry not knowing where or how louis was. he doesn't even know any contacts to Lluis' coworkers.

here zayn was trying to console his best mate, brother even, with whatever he had.

“he might be really busy,"

“the whole damn week?"

“maybe his phone died?"

“and he didn't even charge it?"

zayn sighed. he had come over about half an hour ago after he got a call from harry. he heard everything harry had to say, he held him tightly, knowing harry needed it. he wanted to punch louis in the face for making harry go through all of this.

after two hours of persuasion, zayn finally got harry to take a nap which he well deserved. he looked like he hadn't slept in ages. though he did sleep the night before but still.

zayn tucked harry in the bed and left the room silently. he closed the door and sighed, rubbing his face. louis needed some answering to do. and speak of the devil...

zayn went to the kitchen for a glass of water when he saw, through the window, a car stop and out came louis, looking like a mess but he looked better than harry. louis went to the back and pulled out a small suitcase from the trunk and closed it. he waved to whoever was in the car and came to the front door. zayn forgot about the water and marched to the living room. the front door opened and he waited for louis to come in.

when he entered the room,  he saw zayn standing there, looking at louis like he had committed a murder. “zayn? what're you doing here?"

zayn marched up to him and surprised him with a well deserved punch on his left cheek. louis groaned in agony, cupping the face, stepping backwards. “what the hell, man?!"

“fuck whatever the hell i'm doing here. where the hell have you been?" zayn pulled louis aggressively into the kitchen so they'd be away from the bedroom where harry was in.

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