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''what do wanna do today, love?'' louis asked harry as they were laid on the bed on a boring saturday afternoon. louis was off work and harry, surprisingly, didn't feel like baking that day. they both were laying beside each other, facing the other with their palms tucked under their heads. 

''i don't know.'' harry lazily shrugged his shoulders. he was looking at the bed sheet and tracing the weird design on it with his pointer finger absentmindedly.

louis was looking at harry's face. the way his eyelashes touched his cheeks when he blinked, the way he poked his tongue out to damp his lips every once in a while, the way he would occasionally release a huge puff of breath obviously bored out of his mind.

it was a warm day outside, and there was only so much the two could do. laying in bed was definitely not one of the options because they were doing it for the past hour and it was a really boring thing to do. 

harry yawned out cutely, a squeaky voice escaping his lips making louis' eye soften and silently coo at his boyfriend. harry was too busy in tracing his bed sheet to even notice louis. they laid there for a little more before louis decided that he had had enough of the boring-ness of the stupid day. both of the two were fans of adventures and going out and doing something. something fun.

louis groaned getting up and going straight to the bathroom. harry saw louis disappear after the door was closed and sighed once more. he was too lazy to think of something on his own so he let louis take the time to do that job. soon, louis came out of bathroom and his and harry's eyes met. harry still had that bored out look on and louis was soon to make is vanish.

''come on, get up. let's go out.''

''and do what?''

''i don't know. we'll think of something.''

harry would rather this over nothing so he got up and stretched, popping the joints on his back. they got ready and out the door, they went. they hopped into louis' car before harry asked, ''where will we go?''

''um... the park? the mall? the... i don't know but somewhere that isn't our home.''

harry giggled at desperation of his boyfriend but in reality he was as desperate.

louis started the engine and drove onto the road. ''any place you wanna go in specific, baby?''

harry sighed and thought. ''no... we could just go to the park and i don't know, maybe ice cream?''

''ice cream does sound good.'' louis hummed while his eyes were on the road ahead. ''alright, we're gonna go to the park and get all the ice cream you want. sound good?'' louis momentarily turned to face harry but didn't miss the sudden gleam that ran through that beautiful face of his. 

''really?'' and here's the little child-like harry that louis adores endlessly. 

''yeah.'' louis smiled, knowing that harry became happy. honestly, the bored harry was always having a subtle frown on his face and subtle or not, a frown is something louis doesn't want to see on harry's face.

they reached the park in no time and harry is already out the car and stretching again. louis just chuckled at how tired harry is being. they walked into the same park they visit every time and went to 'their' tree. they call it 'their' because they always sit by it whenever they visit. louis sat with his back against the bark and harry laid down with his head on louis' lap while louis' fingers automatically went to play with harry's hair.

''you want ice cream now or later?'' louis asked after a few minutes of silence.

''mmm... maybe after a while. you?'' harry looked up, his eyes looking so innocent.

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