Chapter 5

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          It was now Amy’s turn to smirk as she saw she had caught Zero off guard, well he seemed off his game for most of their conversation. His angular face had rough stubble, like a five o’clock, which he rubbed anxiously as he thought.

              Three questions how could he expect her to ask three questions when all she wanted was to know more. This new place, Yorktown, was amazing, beautiful, and addicting in a way she didn’t know how to describe. She felt as if she belonged there and even if she arrived under unfortunate circumstances she was safe now and she wanted to stay. She didn’t have anything back in Brooklyn: no friends and practically no family. River never showed she cared before, to her Amy was just an unfortunate burden that lived in her house. So what would she have that to look forward to in going back?

              The warm light from the lamp played on Zero’s gray eyes making them seem like two deep holes full of hate and love. Amy snapped back to reality as it seemed Zero noticed her staring and began to explain himself. “You wouldn’t shut up! And I guess it was wrong, but kissing you was the only way I could get you to stop talking, well, without hurting you…”

              Zero looked guilty. That was rich for a guy who seemed to just go on a whim without a care in the world. “Well I’d appreciate it if you didn’t do it again!”Amy turned away from him crossing her arms. “I’ll only keep that deal if you don’t give me reason to use it.” Zero swung his legs from the chair and started pacing the floor.

              Amy couldn’t help and look at him from the corner of her eye. Zero was pretty tall probably 6’3, but definitely not lanky he was toned with strong arms and a nice build- he was a guy who looked like he’d been working all his life. He might have been annoying, but she was a woman after all; Amy had every right to look, especially after he touched her!

              “Whatcha thinking about over there?” Amy called over to Zero. He held up his hand in response, yeah real mature. “Well you better be thinking of a plan because I’m pretty sure we can’t stay here all night.” She threw out in support, but she knew it would probably end up annoying him.

              “You don’t think I know that?” Zero stopped his nervous pacing.

              “What is i-“

              Zero held a finger up and went to the door of the apartment to check something. “We have to go.” He said quickly “get out the window and please try not to say anything.”

              Well it was Murphy’s Law after all, anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and something was bound to happen after her not so quiet escape from the airship. Amy made her way to the window and climbed outside her feet felt strange now on the rungs of the fire escape, her socked feet slipping as she made her way down. She frowned in frustration. “It would be nice if you could climb down faster.” Zero snapped in a harsh whisper. She pushed her foot problem to the back of her mind and continued her way down.

              That was when she saw the reason of Zero’s distress. At street level there were three men in the white uniforms she remembered seeing on the ship. What seemed like faceless men were making their way into the building. Hands wrapped around her waist and mouth, in shock Amy almost screamed, but she knew it was just Zero. He held her up against his body as he leaned against the side of the building.

              Did he really not trust her to keep quite? His hands squeezed her tighter. Not in comfort, but in anger. She was like a stress doll he could mindlessly squeeze to relieve his consuming anger. Her heart now was pounding at a new pace; it was so quick she didn’t think it was natural. Then she realized, was it that she was feeling Zero’s pulse inside her own body? She could feel his anger rush through her, she could feel a deep hatred for something she wasn’t even aware of. This was getting weird she wanted to pull away and she tried only to be brought back to his torso.

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