Legendary Eleven part 3

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Tenshi was riding Aurora in the sky as she found her in her own timeline and was having fun in the sky making her to noticed that some of the clouds were solid and she saw Cloud Youkais making her to have fun just slaughtering them since they spawn a lot really.

It was making Tenshi to have a lot of fun and she noticed that a lot of Aurora's friends are helping her knights out to get to her in the sky making her to laugh as this is sooo going to be more fun as it can be like a competition between them all really.

"You're sooo having too much fun without us, Tenshi!" Kirino fully complains in a shout making her to laugh at him.

"I slaughter fifty hundred of them! Have fun trying to keep up with me really, boys! And Aoi! If you slaughter them fully with your Priestess powers, you'll rank up even higher really!" Amemiya and Yukimura took that challenge and had fun double fighting the Cloud Youkais making them all to gain twice the experience for both jobs really.

Tenshi was laughing as she dodges attacks and noticed her both mom and dad were watching them as everyone else was shocked by this making Fei to join in and he was leveling up too fast making him to get sick from it and he was taken down to rest cause of it really.

Tenshi shakes her head as she forgotten about that really as she went too fast once and her poor familiar, Kristnakum kept her safe and sound while tending to her really making her to be too op really which is why she deals with things no one else can deal with really.

Kirino was shocked at that and he knows she's treating this as a sole Youkai Core farm from this really as she has been fighting Youkai's during Nobunaga's time as she got a lot of Cores and she trades them really for money and stuff mkaing him to shake his head at her.

'Only Tenshi would do that really.' Kirino thinks as he smiles at her really and knows she's using the money to look after the orphanage with it making him to still wonder how Tenshi managed to handle it all really.

They left to the next timeline making Tenshi to wonder why she feels like this is going to be crazy making her to be careful as they saw a cannon pointed at them making her freak as Kirino has his katana pointed at them making the three to freak and apologies fast.

"Sorry! We didn't think anyone would be traveling this way as we are trying to get to Koumei!" Everyone calms as they help them out and Tenshi stays near Kirino to be safe as this is weird for them to bring the cannon to this Koumei person really.

Tenshi saw the fortress making her to wonder how can this Koumei person managed to handle this can of home really as it must be lonesome without any friends or love ones being with you really making Tenshi to not noticed that this Koumei person heard her thoughts.

'Oh strange for a time traveling child to think of my home like this.' Tenshi heard in her mind as she looks up making her to wonder if that was Koumei really before she noticed something and stops the man as she points down towards it.

"Oh?" the man puts his hand in the hole and lifts it up making him to look a bit stupid as he didn't even know it was there since it was buried which was enough to agree with as Tenshi looks around and noticed something was off about this.

She noticed that the floor was what was off making her to worry as she keeps a eye out making Koumei to noticed and smiles as this should be interesting as the floor was gone, but Tenshi was quicker and everyone saw they were floating in the mid-air.

"Nha!" Everyone saw Tenshi in a ball with her hands in a praying state as her legs were brought close to her chest with her eyes closed, but they were flickering making the man to be shocked as she has them moving towards the doorway and she almost passes out.

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