A Royal Bloodline and family history

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Tenshi has to tell Shinsuke as he is actually like one of her knights really making Aoi to know and she had the tea and slices of cakes sent to Tenshi's room. Tenshi had to have Shinsuke sitting on the floor for one reason and it might shock him to fall down to it.

"So... What's going on, Tenshi?" She takes a deep breath and tells him.

"I'm a princess." Shinsuke was just shocked as he looks to Aoi who nods and he looks back at Tenshi fast.

"B-B-B-But why are you going to Raimon than other schools for royalties?! You would have known your peers then!" Tenshi looks sad as Shinsuke goes near her legs to let her know he is still her friend.

"It's because of my last name and I'm actually glad people forgotten about it in history really for I'd have been killed." Shinsuke was fully confused and Sasuke picks him up and places him on the bed.

"Why? Your family aren't full-time murderers during the past, were they?" Tenshi laughs as she looks to Shinsuke.

"Nothing like that, but I guess I should start from the beginning really." Tenshi was actually happy to get this off her chest as her mama, papa and brothers didn't care about it nor Aoi as they all had helped her out and Aoi's going to be taken politic in collage to fully help her out.

"You see in the past when there was no last names just 'Bob the Butcher' or 'Eric, Son of the Tailor',  the Matsukaze name was very well known by everyone really, but even before that in the first ever AD which is called BCE or Ancient Times.

Ancient history refers to the time period in which scientists have found the earliest remains of human activity, approximately sixty thousand BC. It ends with the fall of several significant empires, such as the Western Roman Empire in the Mediterranean, the Han Dynasty in China, and the Gupta Empire in India, collectively around six hundred and fifty AD.

The Bronze Age is the time period in which humans around the world began to use bronze as a major metal in tools. It is generally accepted as starting around thirty-six hundred BC and ending with the advent of iron in one thousand BC.

The Iron Age is often called Antiquity or the Classical Era, but these periods more commonly refer to only one region. It begins around one thousand BC with the widespread use of iron in tools. It is often accepted to end at approximately six hundred and fifty AD, with the fall of the aforementioned major civilizations.

Note that BC and BCE refer to the same time period. BCE is an abbreviation for Before Common Era, and BC for Before Christ. AD is Anno Domini, and CE is Common Era. This is done in order to standardize time periods across the world (ISO 8601).

Stone Age Ended between six thousand and two thousand BC (depending on the area; until sixteen hundred's European contact in Australia)

History of Mesopotamia: six thousand BC - eleven hundred BC

Indus Valley Civilization: thirty-three thousand BC - thirteen hundred BC

Old Kingdom (Egypt, three thousand BC - two thousand BC)

Middle Kingdom (Egypt, two thousand BC - thirteen thousand BC)

Vedic period India, (seventeen thousand and fifty - five hundred BC)

New Kingdom (Egypt, thirteen thousand BC - seven hundred BC)

Shang Dynasty (China, eighteen hundred BC - twelve hundred BC)

Mediterranean Antiquity

Zhou Dynasty (China, twelve hundred BC – five hundred BC)

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