New song

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Tenshi keeps wondering why her senpais were looking at her like that until she sensed a Shadow Demon and warns her friends, but this time she had included Tsurugi cause of the damn mark on his arm really making him to look very much confused until he saw it.

"What's going on? What's with the mark?" Tsurugi asked as Tenshi let's Aoi to explain as she tells the others what she thinks is going on with the team shocking them as her familiar shows up showing Tsurugi badly as Aoi calms him down.

"Shadow Demon? What's that?" Tsurugi asked after five minutes of calming down.

"It's a demon that controls a lot of people through their shadows and make them have mood swings really." Tenshi said as Kirino was outrage as that's not right.

"Any warnings we should know about it?" Tsurugi was still trying to get use to this making him to have a hard time really as this is not a normal thing to do.

"They hate light and holiness, swords won't work on them without a holy seal to help, bo staffs are the same as swords and familiars help as they can cause a lot of damage." Tenshi said as she hands Tsurugi a core and a knight sword.

"What's this for?"

"You're joining. I was actually waiting for you to be ready and to be fully accepted by the team, but I don't like how they were treating you as if you were someone from the slums really. I don't like it really." Tenshi means it as Tsurugi saw that and just sighs.

"Fine, but fair warning next time and no dragging me on any of your adventures." Tsurugi said as Tenshi nods her head since he feels right making her to have two Knights/Samurais now making Tsurugi's family noble now really.

Tenshi slams a bo staff into each of her senpai's shadows making the demon to get out and had full reformed into one making the others to pass out making Endou and Haruno to check on them as Tenshi was quick to chase after it.

"Stupid huntress! I'll kill you!" Tenshi blocks and made sure all weapons have seals to help fight as her, Kirino, Shinsuke and Aoi's familiars gave a hand making Tsurugi to wonder if he should have one really.

Tenshi knows she needs to sing the song, but the timing is going to be bad really as she needs to focus making Aoi to do that as Kirino saw Tenshi glowing white before she started to sing making this the first time for Tsurugi to hear her sing really.

"The clock keeps ticking on
happy memories are gone
and the story once again
will start

Life is a mystery,
yet we repeat history
left with nothing but a
Burden Heart

Thought you tried your hardest,
it seems that it wasn't

will you stay in this world
where no one knows what
you speak of?

Will you ever see it,
the future you had dreamed of
full of love

if you're smart, you'll live
with a Burden Heart." Tenshi holds the word 'Heart' for seven seconds.

"The clock keeps ticking on,
the life we knew is gone
nowhere to run and
nowhere to hide.

Keep it up, carry on
though you won't see the dawn
keep the dark and despair
deep inside.

There's nowhere to run to,
there's nobody who could
help you.

Sad when you can do,
is hold your vow and
see it through.

Even if it feels like
your mind is going to break

Fight on,
move on with a
Burden Heart

Leave it be, come on
let it go.
you can't see and you
do not know.

What awaits you behind
the gates
is a cruel, investable fate.

Ahaha ahaha ahaha

Throw it back
just leave it behind.
Do you know what it is
you'll find?

What's in store past the
closed of door is something
that will make you lose you your mind.

The battle that you fight
is simply one you cannot win
If you can't stand the site,
then isn't it best to give in?

If you do not want to, then go
ahead and once again restart.
Carrying nothing, but a
Burden Heart

There's no use to crying, so do
not please, no more do shed
When your hope is dying,
you'll never tire of
feeling dead

Welcome to you're new life,
a tragedy that's ready
to start

A new tale featuring eight
Burden Hearts." Tenshi sings with the word 'hearts' being held for five seconds again making the Shadow Demon to be killed and it's core to show up as Aoi slams her staff onto it to destroy the pearl confusing Tsurugi really.

"Can't let him to come back, so destroying the cores kills them permanently really." Aoi explains as Tsurugi has a lot to learn really as Kirino catches Tenshi making her to apologize for worrying him.

"Explain later. Right now, Aoi needs to heal you." Aoi heals her up as Tsurugi saw a samurai core and he pops it into his mouth fast where he got a mind grain really as he didn't pass like Shinsuke did making him to shake his head which Aoi saw and heals it away.

"Thanks. Do I tell my parents? Or do I keep this a secret?"

"My four brothers know and only help with the research really. You can tell a sibling if you like." Tenshi said as Tsurugi nods and they went home for the day.

"How long?"

"A day worth of sleeping and they'll be right back to normal again tomorrow." Tenshi said as she knows they are going to have a mind grain from it really. The next day and everyone was back to normal really, but with a mind grain.

"Mind grains are hard to get rid of after dealing with the bastard." Tenshi said as Aoi helps get rid of it with her healing potions. Kirino was happy they were back to normal and Tsurugi got a big, huge beginner book for beginners making him to sigh.

'Home work. Great.' Tsurugi isn't going to be liking this really at all.

'Nii-san have better help me out here really.'

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