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One year later...

Tenshi was a lonely child, but she was kept busy and was doing good in her home schooling as her IQ isn't quite known yet. Sakuma and Genda had gotten a call as three separate families were in a car crush with the parents in a coma.

Miyabino Reiichi, Mikado Haruma and Ryuuzaki Ouji making both to go see them in the hospital. They shared a room and were talking as Miyabino was very scared as he was being held by Ryuuzaki while Mikado rubs his head. Bith got a good look at them.

Miyabino has pale skin and is average in height. He has light purplish-gray hair with a style a bit similar to Fubuki Atsuya's, except Miyabino's hair is longer and more raised up. He also has black eyes making Sakuma to fall for him.

Ryuuzaki has tanned skin. He has shoulder-length white hair that covers most of his face except the right side, and the bangs are somewhat similar to Kazemaru Ichirouta's. His eyes are colored light purple and Genda wonders if he's Kazemaru's cousin.

Mikado has light grey-blue hair and three scars: one near his right eye, one on his left cheek and one on his right arm. Also he is a muscular figure with big arms. Genda was the one to knock on the door to get their attention.

All three turned to them and then Miyabino had sparkles in his eyes as he shouts Genda's name which calms him down as he was fully panicking for three hours making the other two to calm down and was happy he wasn't panicking anymore.

"I see I have a fan of mine." Genda said as he walks over and sits on a chair making Miyabino to lean forward a bit as Genda ruffles his hair up making him to shutter as he tries to form words making the other two to laugh as this is funny really making him to blush up.

"Why is Genda-san here? You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" Genda shakes his head as he likes that his fan is worried about him really as he thinks on how to tell them, but Sakuma beat him to it.

"Both of us were called at home to foster-care the three of you. All three of you were in a car crush with your parents in a coma. We agreed to foster-care you until they wake up, but it's up to you. Have any other relatives who can take you in?"

"How bad are they?" Mikado asked as he holds Miyabino in his arms.

"From what the doctors told us, is a fifty seventy-five chance they may die. The ribs were all broken, glad the heart and lungs and liver weren't hit, with the spine severed in four places. If they do wake up, they will be in a wheelchair just to warn you three.

Doctors also said that all six hips were crushed very badly which will also lead them all into the wheelchair if they wake up. The last one isn't one you want to fully know really." Ryuuzaki glares and Sakuma knows he has to tell them.

"The doctors noticed a tumor on their brains which caused the car accident to happen, but there was also tumor on their arm bones with one on the neck. All three aren't cancerous, but this is going to be tough for the doctors, you three.

They don't even know if they'll wake up at all really." Miyabino cries into Mikado's chest as Genda rubs his back. Sakuma knows he shouldn't of told them, but they needed to know making them to look upset, but Miyabino was the only one to cry it seems.

Miyabino looks to be only seven or eight-years-old while Ryuuzaki looks to be eight-years-old while Mikado looks to be nine-years-old really making both to know that Tenshi would call them three her brothers either way as Ryuuzaki fully looks towards them really.

"You said both of you are going to foster-care the three of us, yet why wasn't a worker called in yet? To finalize it I mean." Genda spoke up this time around.

"We actually want to give you guys time as the hospital won't allow it until your cleared. If you wants us to foster-care you, then after your discharged, we'll both finalize the foster-care then." All three nods as that sounds fairly reasonable.

"Have you took care of children before?" Miyabino asked as he calms down enough, but has a bit of puffy eyes still really from crying.

"Would having a adopted daughter count who will call you three boys her brothers either way?" That got them to blush together as they never had siblings before really.

"How old?" Mikado asked as this seems like a child more than a baby.

"Seven-years-old." All three looks to each other and nods as one.

"A week trial to get fully use to the place and if we three like it there, full-time foster-care. We just don't know the layout of the full place really." They saw nothing wrong with that really.


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