Legendary Eleven vs Vampire-Wolf team

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Tenshi was furiesly angry that they showed up as she had to hold Saru back as both brought their teams with them. Kirino stood in front of them both as Garsha and Vanfeny were shocked at her lover really as they didn't expect her to have a lover already really.

"Didn't expect girly to have a lover already. Right, love?" Garsha said as he holds Vanfeny close to him.

"Yes, this is a surprised." Vanfeny said as she looks to Kirino before seeing Saru glaring at the two.

"Seems three soccer matches is about to start." Lukcily, Tenshi fully knows something and had them be the referee to the soccer match fully making them to have a voice changing choker on their neck making Tenshi to smirk mentally as this is going to be fun.

"We'll be safe, Saru." Tenshi said when Saru said to let them do it before she kissed his forehead making him to worry as Genda holds him in place to keep him from going out there as Zanark will keep an eye on them making him to know.

'For a fact that the referee is going to be a surprise for us all as I'm getting the same feeling as Tenshi really.' Zanark thinks to himself as he gets onto the field and the very first match starts. Tenahi and everyone else managed to dodge the steals.

But Garsha was fully quicker than themselves really before Tenshi's eye glowed grey making her to feel the third Keshin was actually a fusing of the Light and Dark Keshin making her to find the right moment to release them fully really.

First match was against Garsha's team; Tsukigami no Ichizoku team making Tenshi to hate this as Garsha unleashed his Keshin, Jingou No Gouen Iguni making Tenshi to be upset as she let s her Dark Kenshin have some fun with the overgrown Firey Hellhound Dire Wolf Kenshin of Garsha's.

First match was against Garsha's team; Tsukigami no Ichizoku team making Tenshi to hate this as Garsha unleashed his Keshin, Jingou No Gouen Iguni making Tenshi to be upset as she let s her Dark Kenshin have some fun with the overgrown Firey Hellh...

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Tenshi liked how her Kenshin sent it flying and knocked Garsha to the ground making Vanfeny to worry as Garsha is not looking good out there. Zanark scored the final score making them to win the first match. Vanfeny was fully worried and runs to Garsha.

"Garsha! Are you alright?!"

"Don't worry, love. I'm fine, just didn t see that one coming really. Girly's team is strong, but not as strong as your team is, love." Vanfeny blushes as he always does this to her really. Both their teams snickers at them as this happens a lot between them really.

Tenshi hates this as the second team was Vamp Time who has Vanfen has their captain making her to feel tired as they did get to get breaks for only four hours to make it fair making Saru to hug both Kirino and Tenshi worried which they didn't mind.

Tenshi holds Saru in her lap as he fell asleep making her to think it's cute as she kisses his forehead again. Vanfeny saw that action and noticed how Saru looks different form them and yet, has parts of them inside of him.

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