Chapter 3

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Luke's POV //
I couldn't get Ivory out of my head, she was just so amazing, and different to any other girl I've met. It was weird, I've been going to school with this girl for like 5 years? And I've never even met her, I didn't know her name till this year, I've never been in love till this year, it was like an alternate universe.
I was walking up the path into school with Cal, Mikey and Ash came running up and joined us.
"Luke are you alright mate? You look lost" Ashton said
"Yeah yeah, just thinking about the big match you know?"
Ash nodded and smiled we kept on walking.
We had health class last, so I get to see Ivory today, that was the highlight.

Ivory's POV //

I was walking down to unit 8 with Gemma, and all I could think about was Luke, I stopped halfway.
"Why'd you stop?" Gemma looked at me worryingly
I just stood there for a moment thinking about Luke, how would he react with me? Would be even speak to me?
"Just felt a bit dizzy" she gave me a smile and we continued walking
The fact I had to cover up with a lie to my best friend meant this was serious to me, I didn't know what to think, I was so confused.

We walked in and everyone was sat down talking, I stopped myself from looking at Luke and just went straight to my seat.
"Oi Ivs" I heard a voice call, I turned to see Luke smiling away he put a hand up and I waved back
I turned round and saw Gemma, Texas and Emilie all looking at me with smug faces on.
"Hush" I joked.

"Right, you bunch of hormonal pests, today's lesson is about males, just a little recap of our last lesson, we were doing about females" Mr Akers started writing on the board

Luke's POV //

"Males have a..." Mr Akers started, I drifted off it all became silent around me, and I wasn't concentrating at all, all I could think about was Ivory.
I turned my head to the side slightly and saw Ivory sat there making notes, she looked so in focus it was adorable, her hand writing seemed so neat, she just had a way about her.
It drove me crazy, she probably thought nothing of me, just another 'jock' that all the girls swoon after, I had to prove to her I wasn't like that, but technically I was..
I had to find a way to get close to her, and find out more about her, but I couldn't put us both in detention again, that would make her hate me.

"And so, for the next half an hour, we'll be looking at what you need to revise for your exam next week" I snapped into reality.
"Exam?" I heard Michael and Calum simultaneously say.
"Yes exam, can you not hear? I've been telling you about this for ages, if you stopped zoning out and payed some attention in class you would know"
Mr Akers started writing on the board again.

This was brilliant, scratch that, this was perfect! All I have to do is get Ivory to study with me, and that way it gives me some alone time with her, I can find out more about her, and see if she likes me, Yes.

"Okay, so next Thursday's your exam it'll be one hour in here, you've got your text books just start studying and revise over the weekend and next few days, okay class dismissed" everyone walked out I had to catch up with Ivory.

I walked out and saw her stood talking to her brother, I confidently walked over
"Oi Channings" her brother smiled at me nodded then left
"I'll be at your car Ivs"
"You alright Luke?" Ivory turned to me
"Yeah, look I'm really bad at this class and you seem to be doing excellently so uh, would you maybe wanna study together?" She stood there smiling, her beautiful bright smile.
"Sure, um I'm busy tonight, but my parents and my brother will be gone all day tomorrow, we could do it then?"
"Yeah yeah that's perfect! I'll come to yours in the morning, if you just ugh, let me know when they go out ill come"
She took my phone out my hand out put her number in and gave it back to me.
"Just text me when's good for you and I'll let you know"
She smiled and walked off, I had her number... The world stopped
"YES!" I shouted I turned around to see Mr Akers stood directly behind me
"I knew you fancied her Hemmings" he laughed
"Well, I can't really lie here" I laughed and walked off I could here Mr Akers laughing behind me, shit.

Ivory's POV //

We had just got to the driveway and already Joey was out the car and up at the doorstep
I grabbed my bag, locked the car and walked in.
"HELLO?" Joey shouted, no answer.
"They're not gonna be back till 4 you dick head" I shouted at Joey as I walked in the kitchen, I put my bag on the counter and my keys and got out my phone, already I had a text from Luke.
'Just let me know what time tomorrow, and I'll be right over cheers princess - L x'
Even his texts were cute.
I texted him back the time and walked over to the couch where Joey had already spreader himself along.

"Right so Mum and dad are going out for dinner are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Uhh, pizza and watching both Inbetweeners films?" He smirked
I nodded and he we high fived.
My brother being 15 and me being 18 meant we close in age so we got on together really well, it was cool.
Keys jingled behind the front door and we could hear murmurs mum and dad were home.

"Hello!" A petite light smooth voice shouted
"Hi!" We both shouted back
Mum and dad entered the door and we're talking about their date tonight,
"So are you guys sure you're going to be okay tonight?" My dad asked
We both turned round and nodded they gave us a reassuring smile and went upstairs to get ready

They both came down half an hour later and we're both looking amazing, like red carpet amazing.

"Have a nice night guys!" I shouted
"You too Hun!" They both said back, they shut the door and me and Joey sprung up

"Right, you get up the film, I'll order pizza"

30 minutes later the pizza arrived and we opened them and put them on the coffee table infront of the couch, I got up and went to the fridge I tossed Joey 6 cans one at a time and he placed them by the pizza boxes we had atleast 4?

Then we sat there watching the films and eating, all night, it great to spend s night in with my brother, and tomorrow I had the whole day with Luke.

It was atleast 12 o'clock and my brother had fallen asleep, I was in and out of sleep, but I had to stay awake for my parents, I heard jingling and laughter, they were home.

They came bounding in the door laughing, then taking a look at us and giggling then my dad came over turned off the TV and woke my brother,
"You both look shattered, come on, get a good sleep me and mum will clean up"

Joey lugged him selves up the stairs and I followed, I opened my bedroom door and flung myself into bed, I was way to excited for tomorrow.

A whole day with Luke, this would be brilliant.

Detention. || Luke Hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now