Chapter 12

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Luke's POV //

It had been one long ass day, And it was only fucking Tuesday... I hadn't seen Ivory all day, I never saw her Monday and Tuesday it sucked.

I was walking home and I heard someone shouting my name
"Hello?" I looked around, it was Ashton
"You remember the other night?" He caught up to me
"Yeah I had the biggest heart attack of my life.. Why?"
"What did you mean, we don't tell Ivory this?"
"Oh I meant about her dad! In case like he didn't want her knowing you know?"
"Oh right.."
"Why?.." His reaction confused me
"Well I had Ivory in my history class and I was telling her about how much you loved her and then I panicked and thought you didn't want me to tell her"
"Ah, nah don't worry she knows how much I love her, but it's a good job though because you can't keep your giant mouth shut!" I winked
He smiled and got out his phone, smiling to himself.

"Texting Texas?"
"You know it" he laughed.

I'll admit,I'm was slightly jealous that he had seen Ivory today and I hadn't, but I couldn't even go to hers to see her, because I had football, Tuesday's really did suck.

Ivory's POV //

Me and Joey sat there in the car in silence, dead silence.

"Wh..what do you think Dads going to talk to us about?" My brother stumbled
"I don't know, Jo." I twiddled my car keys
"Do you think we're moving to Manchester?"
"I really don't know Jo, I really don't know... Come on, let's go in and get it over with"
We got out and went into the house, all seemed calm, too calm.

Dad was sat at the Dining table and mum was cooking in the kitchen, Joey went to hang his jumper up and I walked over to the kitchen

"Smells good" I smiled and Mum smiled up at me
Dads head lifted up and he smiled
"Ah Ivs, Jo come over here I need to talk with you"
We walked over and I could see Joeys hand slightly shaking..

"Okay, so..luckily I've managed to keep my job, so I won't be going to Manchester"
My heart jumped,
"Woah seriously?" My eyes widened, He nodded.
"So hopefully for now, we're staying put"
"Wait what d'you mean for now?" My brother looked up
"I mean, I don't know one hundred percent If I'll get moved again, so FOR NOW we're staying in Sydney"
"Are you fucking joking me?" I stared at my dad
"What?" He questioned
"Do you realise how fucked up it is to constantly move? You drag us around the world for your fucking job all the time I'm sick of it all! Do you remember 2007? DO YOU? Because I sure do! We were living in hotels out of our suitcases for a month! It's pathetic it's a waist of time! Have you not thought about the rest of us? Mums had to change jobs 4 times and me and Joey have had to say goodbye to so many friends I'm fed up! If you get moved again you can bet your sorry arse Im not coming with you!"
I felt myself getting choked up and tears building up
I turned around and stormed up the stairs

I slammed my door shut and threw myself on the bed, screaming and crying into my pillow, I felt sick, how could he do this to us so much? Does he realise what he's doing? I cried and cried and cried, I cried till I couldn't make any more noise, it was just dry sobs. I couldn't stay in this house anymore I couldn't, I jumped up and grabbed my car keys wiping my tears on the way down the stairs, I couldn't look my parents in the eye, I just walked out and got in my car.
And I just drove, and drove and drove for miles. Till I was out of Sydney I was at Byron Bay, and I just parked my car up and sat there. Not crying. Not screaming. Just in silence just staring at the ocean right InFront of me.

Luke's POV //

Two whole fucking days Ivory hasn't been here. TWO. My head was spinning I needed to find her, prom was on Friday, that was tomorrow, Tomorrow.
I tapped my pencil as fast as my heart was beating on the table in science I stared at the clock, watching that little hand ticking round just begging for it to be 2 o'clock already,

"Come on, come on, come on" I whispered under my breath
The bell finally rang, I sprung from my seat flung my bag over my shoulder and ran out.

I ran to Ivory's house, and banged on her door.

"Luke! Hello! Are you alright?" Ivory's mum questioned
"Yeah, sorry is It okay if I come in?" She nodded and gestured me into the house
"Are looking for Ivory?"
"Yeah, yeah where she is?"
"She's upstairs i-"
Before she could finish her sentence I was pelting up the stairs, already out of breath from running to her house and then up the stairs, I stood there for a moment breathing heavily till I caught my breath, then I lightly knocked on the door.
"Its OPEN!" A voice called from inside, Ivory's voice.

"Hey Ivs?" I walked in slowly she was laying there watching her TV, she still looked beautiful.
"Hey Luke!" She sat up slightly
"Is everything alright I haven't seen or heard from you for two days" I got into bed next to her.
"Yeah, it's just I shouted at my dad, because you know he might be going to Manchester? Yeah well that's not happening anymore but he said we might have to move again he doesn't know, so I got angry and lashed out, then I drove all the way to Byron, and then came back early hours of yesterday, and just got into bed so I didn't have to talk to anyone, and now you're here and that's all"
"Have you spoken to your dad?" She looked up at me.
"Briefly, he stood outside my door and apologised and then asked if he could come in and when he did he just broke down crying on the end of my bed, he was apologising and saying he was a bad father, and I started crying apologising and yeah so we're good now, I told him I understand that we might have to move, but I hope that I would have moved out by the time he next moves"

That made my heart sink, I couldn't bare the thought of her moving.. Away from me, like she'd be gone that would kill me...
"He's not a bad father, and you're both just stressed right now, but know that I'll always be here whatever the final decisions are"
She smiled at me, that beautiful smile she would give me, that made me warm inside.
I sunk down into her bed and cuddled her, and we just watched TV.

Prom was tomorrow night, and graduation was only a couple weeks away...
I couldn't loose her, not now.
What are you gonna do Luke? Marry her?!
We could move in together?
Nah.. That wouldn't work
If she moves though, I'm going with her, no matter where, no matter how, I'm going with her, I looked at her.
I loved her too much to leave her, to see her go. I couldn't bare it, I had to keep her with me, Forever.

Detention. || Luke Hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now