Chapter 11

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Ivory's POV //

We'd been looking for 4 hours, and we finally ordered our Dresses, they were beautiful
Texas got a big puffy peach coloured one, Gemma got a red sparkly thin one, Emilie got a black with diamonds on the chest that came out at the bottom, and I got a turquoise one like Emilie's, they were all lovely I couldn't get over them.

When I got home, something seemed off, my dad was pacing round the kitchen my mum was biting her nails in beside the sofa, and my brother was sat with his head between his hands leaning on his knees looking at unease.

"Has..something happened?" I questioned
"Hun, sit down we need to have a family conference" my dad lead me to the sofa.

Luke's POV //

Me and the boys had sorted our suits and got all the travel bikes sorted, it was crazy we were going on quad bikes, Jesus Christ.

"Everything alright with Ivory?" Calum questioned
"Yeah, I think so she texted me her dress" I showed Calum
"Nice" he smiled
"So yeah I think she's alright, she hasn't texted me back yet"

I kept checking my phone, it had been 3 hours Ivory hadn't replied, I mean not to sound obsessive, but I was worried.
Then my phone buzzed.

'Sorry, phone died x' Ivory sent me
It seemed a bit weird, but oh well, there's nothing really for me to say, I don't want to sound obsessive..

"Right you lot, Hemmo team A, Cooper team B pick your team"
I pointed to Ashton,Mikey, Cal, and 3 other guys.
Leo got the rest of the guys,

We had the red bibs, and we ran Into the pitch and set up.
It was a hard game, the guys on the other team had a bad goalie but good strikers, whereas we had a good goalie, but bad strikers, it was ridiculous,
We finally finished the match 3 all after 2 hours, and everyone was panting in the middle all sweaty and tired, the sun was starting to set and the pitch was glowing golden from the sun.

"Right, good game, Long game to be fair. But well done lads. Hit the locker room"
The other guys ran in and as per usual, me and ash,Mike and cal stayed out.
We took in the bibs and stood in the middle of the pitch with Ashton twisting the ball on his index finger.

"So, how's the girlfriend?" Mikey asked,
"She's alright, she out with 'the girls' tonight"
"Where are they going?" He raised an eyebrow
"Just staying in at Texas' house I think.." Ashton attention was grabbed.
"Tex has a lovely house"
"Woah, sorry what?" Cal butted in
"Sorry what, what?" He looked around us all, our mouths had dropped
"How come you know what her house looks like?" I raised my eyebrow
"Oh, well uh..." He laughed
"Remember Ivory's party? Yeah, we went back to hers"
"I thought you were in the front lawn and she was upstairs" Mikey looked smug
"Yeah.. That was a lie, we were at hers and left to come back to Ivory's and make up where we were"
"What happened then?" Calum smugly asked
"A gentlemen never tells" he winked he started walking down to the locker room
"WHAT BASE" Mikey shouted after him
"RHYMES WITH SHMECKOND" he laughed and ran in
"Little bastard got to second base" Calum laughed
"Good going irwin" we laughed.

We were all walking back to my house, and Calum and Mikey wouldn't drop the subject of Ashton and Texas,

"So how far you and Ivory gone?" Ashton interrupted
"How far you and Ivory gone?"
"I don't know man, first?"
"Fair enough"he smiled

That made me feel uneasy, I didn't like the guys asking me that question, I mean I used to get asked it all the time, every girl I dated locker room talk would be
'So last night?' Or 'how far you and so and so gone' and it wouldn't bother me I would laugh, I would high five other guys, but with Ivory... I didn't want that. I didn't like it, she wasn't just a 'fuck buddy' or 'that girl from last night' she was mine, mine.
No one else's, anyone asks her "who's your boyfriend" she'll reply 'Luke Hemmings' She'll say MY name. This was crazy.

We were playing Fifa at my house, then Ivory's brother Joey phoned me
"OI pause" Mikey paused the game, and I put him on speaker
"Alright mate"
"Hiya Luke"
"Alright Jo" the guys shouted
"Alright lads!"
"Uh, Luke and others, question is Ivory with you?"
"No..why?I thought she was with the girls?"
"Yeah she was, and then she came home and she said, I'm going out and it's been 5 hours she's been gone, and she's not at Texas's, Gemma's or Emilie's"
There was a pause, I felt sick.

"Wait okay, did she say anything about where she might be going?"
"No..she said 'I'm going out' grabbed her car keys and left, mums worried dads been driving round"
"Okay okay are you're parents back home?"
"Yeah, she's left her phone here as well we can't get hold of her"
"No one leave the house incase she comes home, I'm gonna go find her"
"Okay Luke, cheers let us know if you find her yeah?"
"Will do" I looked at the guys worryingly

"So do you know where she is?"
"I think..but stay here incase she comes to here? And text the girls tell them to stay at theirs incase she goes there okay?" They nodded and started texting

I walked out the door, my heart pounding harder than ever, my throat felt like it had a giant lump in it, my stomach was turning , my head was thumping, I was shaking,my palms were sweating, I was so worried.
I had been walking for half an hour, I was determined to find her.

I saw the sign for the beach and there on the plank of wood in the sand, Ivory.
I swallowed hard, and walked over quickly, quietly and calmly

"Ivs?" My voice croaked
"Oh hey" she sniffed wiping her cheeks, she had been crying..
"Hey hey! What's the matter?" I put my arm around her
"Well, basically a few years ago my dad got a job offer which meant we had to move out to Sydney, and we've been here for years whilst he's been doing his job, and the other day he got a call, and he had to talk to us, a family conference if you will, and basically, the company want to re-direct him, to...Manchester, but he doesn't want us to go with him, so he might be leaving us for the job, but it could be up to 10 years, and I can't have him leave I can't deal with not having my dad around"
I rubbed her shoulder and she put her head on mine.

"Look, I can't reassure you very well, because I have no experience with this, all I can say is just talk to your dad and your family see what happens, and whatever does just know that I'm here every step of the way, and I always will be, I love you ivory"
She looked up and smiled wiping her cheeks again
"I love you too Luke" she kissed me and I stood up helping her up
"Come on, let's get you home"

She drove home and went in her mum hugged her and her dad stepped out shutting the door, a panic feeling shot threw me

"Luke, I just want to thank you, for your compassion and love for my daughter, she loves you, I can see that, and I couldn't ask for a nicer lad to be with her, she probably told you what's happening, and I know it'll be hard, but thank you for being there for her son" he smiled and shook my hand
"It's my pleasure, Mr Channing, I love her, and I wanna protect her"
"Please, call me Derek"
I smiled and nodded, and he went inside.

Her dad likes me, THANK FUCK. I stuck my hands in my pockets and walked home smiling.

I walked into my house and the boys all simultaneously turned to looks at me
"I found her" I smiled
"oh thank fuck" cal let out a sigh of relief
"We were all worried" Mikey added.
"Was she alright?" Ash asked
"Yeah, just private family matter you know?" He nodded
I went and sat with the guys, couldn't stop smiling to myself.

"What you smiling about?" Cal smugly questioned
"When I got her home her dad came out, her dad likes me, he said he was thankful I was in his daughters life" I kept smiling
"That's great news!" Mikey and ashton shouted, they all looked shock but the corners of their mouths were pointing up, so they were happy aswell.

"It's such an honour, like Jesus I was having a heart attack when he shut the door"
"I bet you was!" Ashton laughed
"But yeah, alls good, thank god" I smiled
"Look at him he fucking loves her" Mikey winked
"Lukeys in love" Cal joked
"Nuh-uh" I winked back
"Yeah you do you fucking love her" Ashton shouted
"You love her! You love her!" They chanted
"Knew it" Cal said under his breath
"But we don't tell Ivory this yeah?"
"Yeah" they all said
"Good, now put on match of the day"
"It's 2 in the morning?!" Cal raised an eyebrow
"I've got it on record dickhead"

He made the 'oh' face and put it on, we all laughed at him and he put his middle finger up at us, I loved these boys.

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