Chapter 3

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       Day 1 of Neo High hasn't been all that bad except for my encounter with that Lia Park girl.  As I make my way out to the parking lot, I see Mark talking to the new transfer boys.  They seem to be getting along quite well, in fact, they seem like they've known each other for quite some time.  I smile at their interaction before making my way to my car.  However, before I can even get inside my car, I hear someone holler my name, again!  I turn around and see Julia with Minju and Renee.  I smile and walk over to them.  "Hey you guys, what's up?"  Julia looks at me and says, "Well, Mark is hosting a welcome back from summer party tonight, and we wanted to know if you'd like to come with us."  Minju shakes her head in agreement.  "Plus, you guys look like you're pretty good friends already," Renee chimes in.  I think about it and eventually give in.  They squeal in excitement, and then we exchange numbers.  I wave goodbye and head home.

Aria's house:

       Ahh, home sweet home finally!  I immediately head to my room to finish the homework that I didn't finish today in class

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       Ahh, home sweet home finally!  I immediately head to my room to finish the homework that I didn't finish today in class.  I absolutely hate procrastinating, and I'm someone who's always on top of their work.  That way I can go out and have fun, just like tonight.  After finishing my homework, I go down to the kitchen to make myself a snack.  I decide to have some apple slices with peanut butter.  I plop myself down on the couch and scroll through my social media until I come across a few accounts that catch my attention.

  I plop myself down on the couch and scroll through my social media until I come across a few accounts that catch my attention

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Liked by Lee.Jeno, Full.Sun, and 50,899,055 others

H.Ren.jun Stay stylish 😉

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Lee.Jeno Hey, where's the photo credit???

     H.Ren.jun @Lee.Jeno You didn't even take it lololol (photo credit: @Jaemin.Na )

Jaemin.Na Hello sexy😘

MorkLee Lmao did you end up in the janitor's closet??

     H.Ren.jun @MorkLee Nah, this is room 201😉

TheLiaPark Can we talk about that fit though???

Full.Sun Good sir, where is your mother

     H.Ren.jun @Full.Sun 🇨🇳

Liked by H

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Liked by H.Ren.jun, Jaemin.Na, and 40,008,657 others

Lee.Jeno Wheels on the bus...🚌 

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Jaemin.Na Good sir, the photo credit *cough cough

     Lee.Jeno @Jaemin.Na ofc😊



Full.Sun Wait, is that Mark's jersey???🤨

H.Ren.jun Football, I thought you more of a fencing guy...

     Lee.Jeno @H.Ren.jun Yessir (I got caught....)

MorkLee Lookin' swag my g 🤠

I was about to click on what I assumed was Haechan's, Jaemin's, and Mark's instagram account, but after looking at the time, I decided that I should get ready for Mark's party.  Oh well, I can always check out their accounts later.  I head up to my room, pick out a casual, but cute dress, do my makeup and plop back down on the sofa waiting for Julia and the girls to pick me up.

The dress:

     After waiting for about 10 minutes, I get a text from Renee letting me know that they were outside of my house

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     After waiting for about 10 minutes, I get a text from Renee letting me know that they were outside of my house.  I grab my things and head out while locking the door to the house.  I see Julia in the driver seat of a navy blue convertible.  

"Umm excuse me fair lady, BUT THIS IS YOUR HOUSE?!" Julia says while looking at the house in shock.

I laugh.  "Well, this is technically my parents' house, they just let me use it for myself when they're away.  Plus I bet they have a bigger one closer to the city."

"Enough talk already, otherwise we're gonna be later than we already are," Minju exclaims.  I hope in the backseat and we make our way to Mark's house.  

       Okay, well, Mark's house is enormous.  I mean, I thought that I lived in a fairly modern and sleek house, but Mark's house is just totally out there.  There are so many cars that are on his block that we had a bit of a hard time finding parking.  However, Julia got a text from Mark telling her that it was ok if she parked her car in his garage.  We made our way up the stairs of his house and rung the doorbell.  I rung the doorbell and was greeted with a smiling Mark who was holding a plastic red cup.  "Welcome!" Mark said. "I had no idea that Julia managed to convince you to come to this Aria," he says as the girls make their way inside his house.  "Yeah, this is actually my first house party to be honest," I say.

"Aria Wong has never been to a house party before," Mark says in a joking manner as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You heard right," I say as I laugh.  I allow Mark to take me to the kitchen to pour me a cup of punch.  I look around and see a bunch of students from our school here.  I recognize a couple faces from my classrooms and people who I may have seen while walking down the halls today, but a majority of people I don't recognize.  "Well I gotta leave you here, I need to welcome a few more guests," Mark says.  I nod my head and watch as he heads off back to the front door.  I sit by the kitchen bar and just watch everything around me.  There are people jumping into the pool, people who are playing pool, there's a dance party going on, and a couple of people are making out in a far corner.  I feel a bit out of place here, and I'm not sure what I should do or where I should go.  Just then, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see....




Who tapped Aria's shoulder???

I hope y'all are enjoying this book so far!

Love you all😊💚

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