Chapter Two

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Ten minutes later, I was hugging my aunt goodbye.

I didn't spare a glance to the people that just arrived, to my mother and brother apparently. I slithered myself out of any attempted conversations but by the look on Natalia's —my mother's face — I wasn't going to avoid more conversations.

I was almost afraid to let go of my aunt. Screw this, I was afraid of letting go. I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone and leave with those people, my ‘family’. I didn't want to.

“Call me whenever you feel like it,” she whispered. “Goodbye.”

“Bye,” I whispered back and walked towards the car that was waiting for me. There was a driver (how rich are those people) who opened the door for me and pointed at the backseat. I held my bag tightly to my chest to have some sense of security. My small dog, only five months old Riri, got comfortable in my lap.

The doors slammed and the drive started. I was leaving this place behind for good. It was all so sudden and so unexpected.

I avoided eye contact and considered getting my phone out to play a game but I was afraid they'd take it away or tell me off. I stood still and watched as the house left my view and it soon the roads replaced it.

“Where are we going?”

It was the first sentence I spoke to them and it wasn't even planned. I almost regretted it, especially when they shared looks of surprise. Natalia looked at me and smiled. Well not smile. It was more of a smirk.

“New York,” she replied and I got through another shock too. I didn't realize we'd leave England or Europe to be exact. “England is from where your father is and I am from Russia but we started residing in New York some years ago.”

“Okay,” I nodded and kept my gaze in the landscape outside. This was extremely uncomfortable.

“You have ever traveled before on a plane, Eva?” the brother asked.

Is he assuming that because they obviously live in luxury and rich and can probably travel everyday I do too?


There was silence again. I could sense Natalia staring at me and this woman was so intimidating. I bet that's good in the work field.

“Do you have any idea of who we are?” she asked and crossed her arms.

“How would I?” I scoffed. “I learnt of your existence an hour ago.”

“I assumed Anne would have told you more,” Natalia continued. “I'll fill you in in a few words. We're going to New York but sometimes during the year we reside in California. You have approximately seven siblings: Andrew here who is 28, Tom who is the same age and twin, Alexander who is 26, Marie who is 25, Jax who is 23 and then Elizabeth and Jackson who are 21. And then you.”

I wondered if there was any medical explanation of multiple heart attacks at teenagers because this is what I was currently experiencing.

They were all so older. Not even one of them still attends school. And honestly they had their kids in such a short amount of time and then I appeared years later? What is this clown show?

“Well that is definitely...” I was trying to find words. “Interesting.”

Andrew let out a laugh and covered his mouth with his fist. God, this is getting embarrassing, I think I'll die.

“Now fair is that you tell us something about you too,” Natalia replied.

“Like what exactly?”

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