Twenty six

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One week later

Spring break is over and all Jeongin could do the whole week was think about Y/n. He hasn't seen or heard from her since the day the guys told him that she had shown up at their dance practice.

He was frustrated that the only time he wasn't at practice, she was there.

He was walking through the school's hallways and he notices that a few things has changed.

Soyeon and Jaemin are now dating. Miyeon, Soyeon, and Y/n are friends although right now Y/n wasn't anywhere to be found.

He made eye contact with Soyeon and sent her a nod before finding his friends. They weren't at their usual spot, so it took him another 5 minutes to find them in a empty classroom.

They were huddled in a circle and immediately broke up when they notice Jeongin walking into the room.

"Hey guys." Jeongin greeted. He was totally oblivious of what was happening and joined the boys.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around all week but I was thinking I could make it up to you guys if we go to the arcade after school." He said.

"Oh I'm sorry Innie but Hyunjin, Felix and I have to work on the dance for the end-of-year assembly." Minho awkwardly smiles as the three leaves the room.

"Oh okay. I guess it's just the five of us."

Chan smacks his lips, "Sorry. I actually have a council meeting." He says before leaving the room.

"The four of us?"

"We have to stay after school to clean the gym." Jisung nodded as he and Changbin both left.

Jeongin sighs, "Seungmin?"

Seungmin placed his hand the boy's shoulder, "Sorry buddy, I have tutoring after school. I promise we all can go next time." He said, leaving Jeongin by himself in the classroom.

He lets out a sigh, throwing his arms in the air, "I guess it's just me."


After school

Jeongin clutches the straps of his backpack, slowly walking to the exit of the building. He was in no rush to get anywhere so he thought why not mope at the same time.

He takes each step one by one when he remembers this is where he first met Y/n. This is where they had their first interaction.

Their first eye contact.

Their first conversation.

Their first memory.

Just then he hears a loud chuckle come from behind him. It was just like the first time but it sounded too real. He could just be imagining it all, he thought.

He had to make sure he wasn't going crazy so he slowly turned around. He then turned around to be facing Y/n who was standing at the top of the stairs.

She was wearing the exact same clothes she was wearing when they first met so Jeongin thought he definitely went crazy and was imagining the whole thing.

'Did I bump my head so hard that I didn't even notice?', he thought.

"Y/n?" He softly said. She just smiles as she makes her way towards him. She stops in front of him, holding a thinking position.

"Yang Jeongin, the boy with confidence who can get any girl he wants." She says. He furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you doing?" He asks.

She was definitely real but Jeongin was confused on what she was doing.

Y/n continues her act, "I want to help you."

Trying to hold in his laughter, he catches on to where she was going, "Help me with what exactly?" He asks.

She simply shrugs, "Help you get the girl of your dreams."

Jeongin should be casted in the next drama because his acting skills were on point. "Oh really? And who would that be?"

Y/n paused for a moment. "Lee Y/n."

He chuckled. "Thanks for the offer but I don't think I'm going to need your help."

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him in a playful way, "And why is that?"

He looks into her eyes as he places a stray strand behind her ear, "Because I already got her." Y/n then leans in at his touch, leading them to kiss.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jeongin asks.

Y/n chuckles as she leans in to kiss him again. "I'll be your girlfriend." She gasps, "Let's celebrate with ice cream." She happily grabbed Jeongin's hand as they make their way to the front gate.

Disappearing onto the sidewalks outside of school, the newly couple walks hand in hand to the start of their relationship.

the end.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story.

Please check out my other stories :)

Thank you !

Stay Hydrated ~ 💧

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