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(Jeongin's pov)

It's been 3 weeks since I've been around Miyeon and Soyeon. They're nice and all but I think Soyeon still has her eyes on me.

Think? I know.

Every time I sit next to Miyeon, I see Soyeon from behind, eyeing me with her glare.

To be honest, she still kinda scares me.

Anyways, it has also been 3 weeks since Felix and Y/n started dating. I mean they are always around each other. And they did go on that date, right?

But why do I care? I shouldn't even be thinking about them. But for some reason I can't stop to think that Felix isn't the guy for her.

"Hey what are you thinking about?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Miyeon. "Huh it's nothing."


"Well I actually want to ask you something." She said. She had a look in her eyes but it didn't seem to have an affect on me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You see, we've been hanging out for a while now. And no guy really hangs out with me without wanting something." She said.

I just furrow my eyebrows.

She giggles at my confusion. "You know, asking me out? I mean, this is what you want, right?"

It was.

"I'm sorry Miyeon but it was what I wanted but I- it's not anymore." I sighed. I thought she would be mad or disappointed even.

But she reacted the exact opposite.

She chuckled. "That's totally fine. No offense but you've actually been a great friend. I don't really see us dating. Even if it was just one date, I couldn't do that to you."

I should be feeling disappointed at that but I really don't feel any different. I think it might be a good thing.

"Really?" I grinned.

"Yeah." She nods.

"What are we talking about?" Soyeon smiles as she sat next to Miyeon.

"Us." Miyeon said. Then Soyeon turned her head to glare at me. I jumped in surprise.

She does this every time, why does it keep surprising me?

"Why do you keep glaring at Jeongin?" Miyeon chuckled. "He likes you and I'm sure he might ask you out soon." Soyeon whispers.

That made Miyeon laugh. "We were just talking about that. Tell her." She playfully hit my chest.

"Yeah. We decided, just friends. I did like Miyeon but not anymore." I awkwardly smiled, hoping Soyeon might lift that glare of hers.

"Why all of a sudden?" She questioned with suspicion. "Perhaps, I don't know, maybe Y/n has something to do about this." She added.

"Lee Y/n? That's so cute, but isn't she with that Felix guy? I mean I've seen them around school lately." Miyeon said.

My shoulders dropped and the girls noticed. "Oh." Miyeon's voice was soft.

"Who knows what they might doing right now. Holding hands, making out in the courtyard, whatever couples do." Soyeon smirks.

I didn't want to think about what they might be doing but Soyeon wasn't helping at all.

I really don't want to think about what they are doing this second.


(Y/n's pov)

"Wait wait Felix, you should slow down." I said.

"What? Then you'll catch up and win. I can't have that happening." Felix started to concentrate on the screen more with his Nintendo switch controller in his hand.

It's been 3 weeks since Felix and I started to hang out and I think I just found my new best friend.

Don't tell Jisung. Minho can have him.

Anyways, Felix has been my source of happiness so I try to keep him by my side at all times...or try to.

I haven't talked to Jeongin these past weeks. If he's at the house with the guys, I either stay in my room, go out, or just plainly avoid him.

At school it's a different story.

I don't have to avoid him because he's usually with Miyeon and Soyeon or with my brother, who I barely see in school.

In these past weeks, I've also come to a realization that I have developed feelings for the boy. I didn't want it to happen but my heart said otherwise.

The only person who knows this is of course Felix because he sort of helped me realize it.

"HA! I beat you again. So I think after school, you owe me ice cream." Felix exclaimed.

I groaned as I drop the controller on the desk. "Why couldn't you just let me win this time? I lost to you over 100 times, I think I deserve a win."

"Hey, your side of the bet always end up with me getting free stuff. So really this is your fault for losing." He innocently said.

I scoffed. "What kind of thinking is that?"

"The right kind of thinking. Now let's play another round." Felix said.

"You know what, I'll sit out on this one." I said.

"I'm up then." Hyunjin exclaimed from behind his desk, reaching over for the controller.

With the two boys distracted with the game in front of them, I looked for someone else to talk to.

I turned around and met eyes with one of the girls in my class.

"Hey Y/n." Crystal exclaimed. She's basically like Felix but the girl version. Freckles, blonde hair, and a lot of happy energy.

"Hi Crystal. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Eating. We still have 10 minutes till the teacher comes so I'm just gonna snack." She smiles.

I looked over at her desk.

"It's dates jam and crackers if you were wondering. Want some?" She said, offering her plate.

I widened my eyes. "Dates?" I awkwardly chuckled. "No- no thank you." I sat back into my seat, trying not to think about...that.

Don't worry, it's nothing.

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