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(Jeongin's pov)

Ding dong.

I took a long breath in then deeply sighed. Here I am in front of the house of a girl I like because her brother invited me to a movie night.

Sounds like it's gonna be fun but not when you know the girl is actually avoiding you. I just don't know why.

The door then opened with my smiling friend on the other side. "Hey Innie. Glad you could join us." Jisung exclaimed.

"Yeah glad I could too." I smiled.

Jisung led us to the living room where I saw Minho setting up wires behind the TV and a couple of dvd cases on the floor.

"Jeongin's here." Minho looked up, greeting my presence with a smile. "Do you mind if you help Y/n gather the snacks? I don't know what's taking her so long." He said.

Do I mind?

"Not at all." I nodded before making my towards the kitchen. I swung the door open and I guess she didn't hear me come in.

She was tiptoeing by the counter, trying to reach the top cabinet. I quietly walked towards her, not making a sound.

(third person pov)

"Why did I put the popcorn all the way up there?" Y/n groaned as she continues to struggle getting the wanted snack.

"How did I even put it up there the first place?" Her memory then flashed back to when she unpacked groceries, she mindlessly just threw the box of popcorn into the top cabinet.

She mentally groaned. "Right."

As she was still attempting to reach the top she hears the door to the kitchen open. Assuming it was just Jisung, she completely ignored it.

All of a sudden Y/n felt the person's presence just behind her. She sees his hand reach for the popcorn and they successfully grabbed it.

The person was too close that Y/n furrowed her eyebrows when she didn't recognize the scent. 'New cologne?' She thought.

She just simply ignores it. "Thank y-" She stops mid-turn when she faces the unexpected boy. "J-Jeongin." She jumped back realizing how close he was.

Jeongin didn't move at all. He was simply in a trance by just one look into the girl's eyes. Her eyes glisten like how the moon glistened over the river, he thought.

"Um." He awkwardly chuckled. "Here's the popcorn." He holds the box in his hands for the girl to take but she didn't.

"Excuse me." She managed to say before making a run for the door leaving Jeongin regretting his decision to come here in the first place.

A panicking Y/n walks into the living room as she sees Jisung helping her brother with the TV wires. Jisung notices the girl's presence as he looks up.

"Where's the snacks?" He asks.

Ignoring the boy's question, "What is Jeongin doing here?" She whispers loudly making sure to not let the said boy hear her.

"Well the poor boy has been down lately." Jisung said.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. What, she thought being concerned for the boy. He got the girl he had a crush on for a long time, why would he be feeling this way?

"How would you even know that?"

"Felix told us and we thought inviting him to our movie night could do something." Jisung shrugs as he goes back to helping Minho.

Y/n's expression then went from concerned to deceived. Of course Felix is behind this, she thought. She took a breathe before going back to the kitchen knowing that she's gonna have to go through this night anyways.


The front door suddenly slammed closed causing the two boys to jump and look towards the direction of the sound.

They look at each other and shrugged. It took them a minute but their heads immediately shot up as Minho ran upstairs and Jisung ran towards the front door.

"Her bag and jacket is gone." Minho came back downstairs. "And so is her shoes." Jisung added.

"Hey where should I put these snacks?" Jeongin walked in as he innocently looks at his friends. "What?"


Couple hours later.

12 A.M.

Making sure she didn't make too much noise, Y/n quietly sneaked back into the house. Closing the door in the process, the living room light suddenly turned on.

"Minho, shouldn't you be asleep right now?" She gulped, definitely scared of what might come next.

He shook his head, "No we are done playing this game Y/n." He sternly said. "It's time you stop running and tell me what's going on with you."

"Did it happen again?"

Y/n didn't say anything in return.

He sighed, "You went through with your deal with Jeongin behind my back and it happened again, right?"

Y/n suddenly broke into tears, "I'm sorry I lied to you." Without thought, Minho went up to his sister and brought her into a comforting hug. "And I thought it wouldn't happen- I made sure it would never happen but it just did."

Minho frowns as he held her by her shoulders, "This is why I told you to stop. This is what I was afraid of, you getting hurt."

She sniffles, turning back towards the front door. "What are you doing?" Minho asks.

"I'm going to get buckets of date jam. I'm basically Soyeon, this is what Soyeon went through. I did that to her and now I did it to myself. She dumped date jam on me because of what I did and now I gotta do the same, I deserve it."

Minho shook his head as he brings them to the living room, sitting them both on the couch. "It's midnight and you sound ridiculous. You don't deserve to have jam dumped all over your head just because you fell for a boy who likes someone else."

"You're a girl in her junior year of high school. It's normal to have feelings, what's not normal is being a teenage matchmaker."

Y/n nodded, "You're right. Now I'm just trying to avoid him hoping these feelings can just go away."

"Is that why you keep running away?"

She nodded as she held her head down. "You do what you think is best for you but please, please no more matchmaking." Minho pleaded.

"I promise I'm totally done with that."

Innocent |Yang Jeongin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now