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(third person pov)

"Innie? We're the only people who calls him that." Changbin said.

"Since when were they so close? I mean they looked so comfortable with each other." Chan added.

Felix looked agitated. He looked between the door to Chan to the boys back to Chan. "Really?" He questioned.

"Yeah." Minho replied as he just looked through his phone, not caring about what the two said.

Jisung nodded as well. "Apparently they've been hanging outside of school." He said.

"It's weird considering Jeongin is really shy around girls. But out of nowhere he's comfortable with Y/n?" Hyunjin said.

"Are they perhaps secretly dating?" Seungmin asked.

"They couldn't be. Right?" Felix looks at Jisung.

"Not a chance." Jisung chuckled. "He clearly still likes Miyeon and that girl hasn't been on a date in a year."

'So they're not dating?' Felix thought. Then he smiled to himself, not daring to speak his thoughts aloud.


"So how is it going with Miyeon?" Y/n asks, with her arm still linked with Jeongin's.

"I actually still haven't try to talk to her yet." Jeongin pursed his lips.

Then Y/n stopped in her tracks. "What? After our two weeks of work, you didn't go for it? Jeongin, this part of my program you would already be sitting with her at lunch."

He lets out a sigh, "I wasn't ready. I kept feeling my nerves shake whenever I was near her, it was like it was stopping me from talking to her."

"But you were doing so good though. You're never nervous around me?" Y/n shrugs, furrowing her eyebrows.

"It's because I don't like you." He blurted.


He panicked. "Oh no I didn't mean it like that. I mean I just don't-"

Y/n just laughs. "I was just joking, I know what you mean. No need to sweat about it." She then links her arm with the boy once again and kept walking.

As they reached the place Y/n made eye contact with Soyeon. She let out a settle cough as she immediately lets go of Jeongin's arm which made him confused.

Soyeon scoffed at the girl's action.

Y/n noticed Miyeon on the side and signaled Jeongin to head over there.


"In order for this to be a success, you just gotta go for it." Y/n said before giving him a little push then heading towards Soyeon.

"Lookie here. You come in here with linked arms and now you're pushing him towards my friend." She glares at Y/n.

"I'm helping him." Y/n said.

"Are you sure you're not falling for him?" Soyeon asks.

Y/n let out an unamused laugh. "No."

Then a few laughters were heard from the side. The two girls looked to see Miyeon laughing at whatever Jeongin said.

Soyeon smirked. "You sure you don't feel anything right now? Jealousy maybe?"

"I see what you're doing. You're trying to mess with my head right now, well it's not working. I told you, I'm just helping him." Y/n said.

"Now if you don't mind. I'm gonna get my food and be on my way home." She walked passed the girl with a sarcastic smile.

Once Y/n made sure Soyeon couldn't see her face, she gulped. "Heartbeat calm, palms aren't sweaty, no signs of jealousy."

"She doesn't know what she's talking about." She told herself. Then her eyes caught the two again and she didn't notice how her expression dropped.


"Oh my god you guys should've been there. I had like a full conversation with her and I didn't mess up once." Jeongin exclaimed, biting into his fried chicken.

Y/n didn't know what made her think like this but she didn't want to hear about any of this. She already saw it, she didn't know why she had to listen to it again.

"Where did all this sudden confidence come from?" Minho asks.

Jeongin smiled. "All thanks to Y- ahh me. You were right, I had it on my own all this time." He slightly panicked when he met Y/n's widened eyes.

Minho smiled as he nudges the boy's arm. "See I told you."

"So you and Y/n aren't dating?" Seungmin blurted.

"What?! No. Why would we be?" Y/n quickly answered. "Hey I'm quite full now. I think I'll just be in my room for now."

"You said you were hungry. You barely touched the food." Jisung called out to the girl. She ignores him and continued to head for her room.

"What was that about?" Jisung asks Minho. He just shrugs.


(Y/n's pov)

I plopped onto my bed with my pillow in my arms.

I'm just overthinking it right? There's no way I like Jeongin, I mean he's not my type. And us dating? Yeah right. That couldn't be believable.

It's Soyeon getting into my head. Yeah that's it. She's probably trying to play mind games with me for something, yet again, I didn't do.

I groaned. "Stop thinking about this Y/n. If you stop overthinking, it will just go away."

Maybe I should do what I do best. Take myself away from the situation. Yeah, I think going out right now should be best.

No more thinking, just some plain old fun and gossip.


(third person pov)

"Are you seriously going out again? We were supposed to hang together." Minho grumbled.

"Sorry. Life is too short to be just sitting around. I need to be going out and actually do something." Y/n said, making sure to close the door behind her.

Minho sighed. "She needs to learn to just stay put."

Jisung chuckles. "You know she's right. Plus you do stay home a lot so like..."

"And that is why she is cooler than you." Seungmin laughed.

"Whatever." Minho mumbled.

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